
Technology – Platforms

mobile phone with whatsapp icon

How to use WhatsApp for campaigning

WhatsApp How to Guide from Blueprints for Change. Use WhatsApp for campaigning, community building, activating networks and crowdsourcing knowledge.

Enhancing collective decision-making with technology

Ben Knight presented at Progress 2015 about the power of unleashing collective intelligence through better technology. He provides a short introduction to the Loomio platform for discussion and decision-making.

Computer screen displaying colourful code

Three open source tech tools for your campaigning

The right tech tools can make a huge difference to the effectiveness of a campaign or organising project. Check out Tijuana (campaign CRM), Neighbourly (doorknocking walk-list tool) and Spoke (p2p text tool).

Cartoon penguin with a picture of a rocket approaching Pluto. Text reads: 'Brenda vs Facebook, The Truth About Cambridge Analytica

7 tips for Facebook Risk Management

Facebook is a vital organising and networking tool but presents risks for activists. Digital security can seem overwhelming but we can all get better at it. There are organisations who have done a great job of breaking the information down and giving you support to improve your practices. Start with these 7 tips.

Cartoon of two eggplants in suits and sunglasses. Text reads 'Eggplants are a key component of the surveillance state. They are always listening. Most vegetables are.'

Tools for More Secure Activism

CounterAct encourages the progressive and radical movements on the Australian continent to get better at digital privacy and security. Security culture is simply a set of practices that limits the ability for government or opponents to find out more information about you and interfere with or monitor your group. We’ve given you some tools to minimise this.

A Slack workspace open on a laptop computer

Tips on using Slack

Slack is a great way to facilitate easy internal communication – but getting started can be confusing. This guide was collated by the OPEN Network, incorporating best practice from a number of organisations who’ve used Slack for years.

Screenshot of the Ecomark website. A model in blue sits on a bright pink couch, with flowers on her lap. She is smelling one of them. Overlaid on the image is the text '12956 visitors so far!'

Digital Tactic Inspiration: Ecomark by WeMove

Primark, the international clothing chain, famously does not have an online store. So when EU-wide campaigning organisation WeMove chose to target Primark in a sustainability campaign, they started by launching a parody site.

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