

Shallow focus photograph of crowd taking live videos for social media

How campaigners are using Instagram

Instagram is a global phenomenon – yet too many campaigners don’t know how to use it. Start your Instagram journey here with accounts to follow, and ideas for its use.

Mobile phone featuring social media icons

How to use social media

Top tips from Friends of the Earth (England, Wales & Northern Ireland) on how to use Twitter and Facebook as a powerful tool for campaigning.

Change Makers (Text on orange background)

Changemaker Chat with Paul Oosting from GetUp: Elections and Politics

GetUp is one of Australia’s most impactful and influential community organisations, and Paul Oosting is their national director. We discuss what GetUp learnt from the 2019 Federal Election campaign. We find out Paul’s insights about what it’s like to operate under the pressure of media and political attack.

Computer screen displaying colourful code

Three open source tech tools for your campaigning

The right tech tools can make a huge difference to the effectiveness of a campaign or organising project. Check out Tijuana (campaign CRM), Neighbourly (doorknocking walk-list tool) and Spoke (p2p text tool).

Cartoon penguin with a picture of a rocket approaching Pluto. Text reads: 'Brenda vs Facebook, The Truth About Cambridge Analytica

7 tips for Facebook Risk Management

Facebook is a vital organising and networking tool but presents risks for activists. Digital security can seem overwhelming but we can all get better at it. There are organisations who have done a great job of breaking the information down and giving you support to improve your practices. Start with these 7 tips.

Cartoon of two eggplants in suits and sunglasses. Text reads 'Eggplants are a key component of the surveillance state. They are always listening. Most vegetables are.'

Tools for More Secure Activism

CounterAct encourages the progressive and radical movements on the Australian continent to get better at digital privacy and security. Security culture is simply a set of practices that limits the ability for government or opponents to find out more information about you and interfere with or monitor your group. We’ve given you some tools to minimise this.

What does it take for everyday people to shift an election?

The story of how GetUp successfully organised in the seat of Bass to remove sitting MP Andrew Nikolic at the 2016 federal election. Lessons include the power of mixing online and offline; the power of mixing local with national; and have the local lead the national.

Protestors, some wearing yellow Greenpeace shirts, some in prison orange, pose for a photo holding signs in Spanish, and photographs of the activists detained by Russia known as the Arctic 30.

The 21st-Century Advocacy Playbook

Build strong advocacy teams using this checklist to assess your team’s readiness to campaign for—and win—change in the modern landscape.

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