

cartoon of two dogs - one says to the other "I had my own blog for a while, but I decided to go back to blatant, incessant barking."

How to Write a Great Blog Post

Do you need some tips on how to write a blog post? Duncan Green from Oxfam GB shares ten ways to write a blog post in under an hour.

11 volunteers standing in rows posing for a photo

Fighting online racist trolls

Laura O’Connell Rapira from ActionStation (Aotearoa New Zealand) ran a workshop at the conference, FWD+Organise 2019, about how their organisation worked with volunteers to tackle the trolls behind online hate. 

open books displaying colour swatches

Creating your Brand Identity

Have you been trying to create and/or build upon your brand identity for a campaign or your organisation? Great tips and a checklist from Principle Co.

storytelling hard copy form broken into parts with icons

The Story Canvas Template

The Story Canvas is a template and/or online form from the Digital Storytellers which guides you to fill in the right ingredients to make a powerful story.

Hands holding a mobile phone and filming

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The nature of video and digital campaigning changes so rapidly, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the latest strategies to cut through and move people. This article & presentation outlines 5 key trends plus a useful checklist for developing compelling videos.

Icons representing website accessibility framed around a computer screen

Improve your Website Accessibility

A comprehensive list of tools, checklists and websites to improve your website accessibility, e,g, standards, colours, documents, design, images, etc.

woman being filmed

How to create a media package

A media package puts everything a journalist may need together in one place – a media release, photos, a spokesperson bio and background information. This ‘How to create a media package’ has been put together by the Australian Conservation Foundation.

Man being interviewed at a climate change rally

How to do a great media interview

Some tips from The Australian Conservation Foundation about how to do a great media interview e.g. thinking about before, during and after the interview.

Man driving car in traffic listening to radio

How to Call Talkback Radio

Here is a list of radio stations in Australia that you can call to get your views heard on talkback radio and some tips to help get your issues heard from the Australian Conservation Foundation. 

people protesting

Brave New Words Access to Medicines – United States

Brave New Words takes listeners on a journey around the globe with renowned communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio. This episode of the podcast looks at how the battle over drug prices is heating up to confront corporate greed and pay-to-play politics.

people protesting

Brave New Words: Let’s do this – New Zealand

Brave New Words takes listeners on a journey around the globe with renowned communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio. This episode of the podcast goes behind the scenes to understand how Jacinda Ardern led Labour to victory in NZ.

people protesting

Brave New Words Police Reform – Washington

Brave New Words takes listeners on a journey around the globe with renowned communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio. This episode of the podcast explores how De-Escalate Washington achieved success by speaking openly about race and centering those most affected by police violence.

people protesting

Brave New Words Greater Than Fear – Minnesota

Brave New Words takes listeners on a journey around the globe with renowned communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio. This episode of the podcast reveals how a coalition of grassroots and labor groups found a narrative that speaks to both race and class concerns.

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