


Movement Building Canvas

The Movement Building Canvas is a practical framework to help you, your team or your organisation design your movement for maximum impact.

5 book covers in a collage

Books to Read About Social Change

Looking for some inspiring reading for 2021 for yourself or as a gift? Here is a list of books on activism and organising to get you thinking.

pencil drawing of a lightbulb with a question mark inside the bulb

Campaign Research 101

An introduction to the basics of campaign research for social change advocates. Campaign research helps you get the right message, in the right format, delivered by the right messengers, to the right audience through the right channels.

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Problem Diagram

Use this diagram from Mobilisation Lab to chart the causes of the problem that your campaign aims to address and how that problem affects people differently. This tool helps identify the “root cause” to tackle in a campaign or even in a set of campaigns.

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Theories of Change

A theory of change can help guide campaigners, their teams and communities. James Whelan from the Change Agency addresses four common pitfalls and some remedies so your theory of change works for you and your team.

Stop Jabiluka Mine banner hanging on cliff rock face

The Jabiluka Blockade – 22 years on

Do you know about one of Australia’s most effective anti-nuclear blockades? The Jabiluka blockade in 1998 stopped the Ranger Uranium Mine in Australia. This article includes the campaign timeline and many further resources.

A group of community members and politicians hold placards including '10,725 demand specific policies to address homelessness'.

How to Present a Petition to Parliament

A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members with petitions. Some information is specific to the New Zealand parliamentary system and OurActionStation petition platform but many of the steps are relevant for other circumstances.

hand holding pen signing petition

How to Get More Petition Signatures

A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members to run successful petitions, including notes on strategy, tips for getting more signatures, and example campaigns.

white lighthouse shining light at dusk

Uncommon victories: Lessons from Warringah and Indi

In the 2019 Australian federal election, two local campaigns stood out. Two Independents, from two very different electorates, made history. We’re referring of course, to Indi in regional Victoria, and Warringah in Sydney.

diagram of the spectrum of allies

Spectrum of Allies

Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue, and locate those groups along a spectrum, from active opposition to active allies, so you can focus your efforts on shifting those groups closer to your position.

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