
Manuals, Guides and Toolkits

person using laptop

How to Draft A/B Testing for Sendouts

A/B testing involves testing campaign communications online with your supporters. Most of the guide focuses on testing email communications, but you can also test web page formats and social media responses.

Close up photograph of four people gripping hands to wrists forming a solid square.

How to Build Networked Coalitions

How-to guide on networked coalitions/campaigns. Harness the power of networks to develop more agile, dynamic and distributed campaigning coalitions.

mobile phone with whatsapp icon

How to use WhatsApp for campaigning

WhatsApp How to Guide from Blueprints for Change. Use WhatsApp for campaigning, community building, activating networks and crowdsourcing knowledge.

How to test your communications

This is a resource to help you test your messages. It is designed for campaigners who have little or no experience with message testing.

Cover of the handbook. Includes a black and white photograph of a group of people rallying and the text 'Organizing: People, Power, Change'

Organizing Guide: People, Power, Change

This handbook, based on the work of Marshall Ganz, aims to support you in developing your capacity for effective community organizing. It covers five key practices of organizing to build people power for change.

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