
Manuals, Guides and Toolkits

text says naming an advocacy campaign. two photos of a lock the gate sign on a fence and a banner that protestors are holding that says fight for $15

Naming an Advocacy Campaign

How do you name an advocacy campaign? Here is a guide, tips, and thoughts to help you with the process of naming a campaign.

mob lab logo

Key Resources from Mobilisation Lab

Reports, toolkits, templates and guides from Mobilisation Lab including campaign strategy, storytelling, digital campaigning, security and more.

Whistleblowing: A Practical Guide

Whistleblowing: A Practical Guide tells how to assess your options, prepare for action, use low-profile operations, negotiate official channels, leak, build support and survive the experience.

The front page of a pdf publication called Guide to Organizing your first Protest with a photo of Greta Thunberg sitting on street with a sign next to her that says 'Skolstrejk for Klimatet'

Organising Your First Protest

Learn how to organize your first protest – Resources from the Article 20 Network including a recorded discussion with experience organizers.

Lost Voices: A toolkit for Digital Campaigners

This toolkit helps charities improve their digital campaigns by centering the voices of lived experience. Reshape your digital campaigns to be more accessible, effective, inclusive and responsible.

First slide from's Online Training Monster Manual slide deck. Includes picture of a purple monster with one large eye holding an open laptop computer.

Online Training Monster Manual

Tired of making new slide decks for interactive tools? Want new ideas on participatory methods online? Looking for new games and warm-ups? The “Online Monster Manual” is a compilation of 80+ online training tools from 350 globally.

Online Picket Line Guide

Do you want to know how to run an online picket line? Here is a guide from the Victorian Trades Hall Council who ran the world’s 1st online picket line in March 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic to launch digital actions for the campaign for #WageSubsidyForAll.

Front cover of the Press Officer Handbook (no images).

The NEON guide to progressive media work

NEON’s Press Officer Handbook, a comprehensive guide to effective media work in social movements. Includes writing press releases, using the phone, preparing spokespeople for broadcast and much more.

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Zoom Meetings Host Guide

This clear and easy guide produced by The Australian Conservation Foundation will help you set up and run an online meeting using Zoom. 

protest signs at climate march

Handbook of Climate Psychology

A comprehensive guide from the Climate Psychology Alliance (UK). Includes sections on grief, loss, coping strategies and radical hope.

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