
close up of man's hands gesturing in front of a laptop set up in table with woman in background

Facilitating Online Meetings

Online meetings can be a lot of fun! Here are a few ideas to make your meetings exciting, educational, and effective from Daniel Hunter,

woman being filmed

How to create a media package

A media package puts everything a journalist may need together in one place – a media release, photos, a spokesperson bio and background information. This ‘How to create a media package’ has been put together by the Australian Conservation Foundation.

Man being interviewed at a climate change rally

How to do a great media interview

Some tips from The Australian Conservation Foundation about how to do a great media interview e.g. thinking about before, during and after the interview.

Man driving car in traffic listening to radio

How to Call Talkback Radio

Here is a list of radio stations in Australia that you can call to get your views heard on talkback radio and some tips to help get your issues heard from the Australian Conservation Foundation. 

white lighthouse shining light at dusk

Uncommon victories: Lessons from Warringah and Indi

In the 2019 Australian federal election, two local campaigns stood out. Two Independents, from two very different electorates, made history. We’re referring of course, to Indi in regional Victoria, and Warringah in Sydney.

blackboard with writing to do list no. 1 welcome new volunteers

New Volunteer Checklist

Volunteers are a crucial part of social change organisations, and getting new volunteers off to a good start is critical. This checklist and the prompting questions will help you set up an effective and welcoming volunteer orientation process.

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Email Best Practices

Email is the dominant engagement channel for most organisations. A well-designed email program should be at the heart of your communication strategy. Check out these tips from Organise Us.

diagram of the spectrum of allies

Spectrum of Allies

Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue, and locate those groups along a spectrum, from active opposition to active allies, so you can focus your efforts on shifting those groups closer to your position.

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Solidarity in times of crisis: Listen to the Progress 2019 panel

Audio recording of the ‘Solidarity In Times Of Crisis’ panel from Progress 2019. Speakers considered the role of civil society in countering the conditions and beliefs that give rise to daily discrimination as well as events such as the Christchurch terror attacks.  

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