


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

How Emotions Mobilise and Sustain the Anti-Coal Seam Gas Movement

How Emotions Mobilise and Sustain the Anti-Coal Seam Gas Movement

Introduction  Emotions play an important role in mobilising people to take action on social and environmental issues. In this study of the anti-coal seam gas movement in regional Australia the authors found that anger about coal seam gas mining mobilised people to...

Campaign Wellbeing Bingo

Campaign Wellbeing Bingo

A bingo sheet full of low barrier things folks can do to stay healthier and handle stress better when under pressure.

How Emotions Mobilise and Sustain the Anti-Coal Seam Gas Movement

How Emotions Mobilise and Sustain the Anti-Coal Seam Gas Movement

Introduction  Emotions play an important role in mobilising people to take action on social and environmental issues. In this study of the anti-coal seam gas movement in regional Australia the authors found that anger about coal seam gas mining mobilised people to...

Campaign Wellbeing Bingo

Campaign Wellbeing Bingo

A bingo sheet full of low barrier things folks can do to stay healthier and handle stress better when under pressure.