


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

man holding jar of australian money

The Seven Pillars of Fundraising

To survive and thrive in a changing world, a not-for-profit organisation must develop a fundraising plan that rests on these seven pillars of fundraising…

Icon showing a computer screen with heart and graph representing crowdfunding

How to get started with Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a great way to get funding for a specific project. It can bring in much-needed funding and attract a whole new audience of supporters.

Black and white cartoon drawing depicting actions during social distancing. A person leans out of a car talking through a loud hailer, fists poke out of an apartment building, there are sound lines depicting music.

Action tactics during the time of social distancing

Blackout Collective and The Ruckus Society have joined together to make this user-friendly handout about action tactics you can take during the time of social distancing. Includes car bloc, noise demo, twitter storm, phone jam and physically distanced rally.

Framing the Role of Government and the Economy

Want to know how to frame communication about the government and the economy in a way that will be of benefit? Here is useful research that was presented at the conference Virtual Progress 2020 by Australian ReMADE. 

Three covers of resources on disability justice including the movie covers for Crip Camp and Defiant Lives and the podcast Disability Visibility

Disability Justice Links

A crowdsourced list of disability justice resources from Virtual Progress 2020. Includes resources from the Lessons from the Disability Justice Movement plenary and Deconstructing Ableism in Progressive Movements workshop.

Protestors wearing masks and holding placards gathering for a Black Lives Matter rally.

Make Change: How-To’s for Effective Peaceful Protest

Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement this article includes tips and links to make what you need for safe, peaceful, and effective protest. Includes signs, effigies, banners, street art, ways to manage pepper spray and tear gas, surveillance considerations and interactions with police liaison.

Reset Reading Group No. 4: A New Economy

Reset Reading Group resources for A New Economy theme introduced and curated by Godfrey Moase. Includes The Take, a documentary about worker controlled workplaces in Argentina.

Protestors in a line with one protestor kneeling on knee (in honour of George Floyd) in front of line of police at protest in street in Washington, D.C, USA

Tracking Movement Moments: #BlackLivesMatter Case Study

Documenting and amplifying police brutality has been a crucial aspect of the Black Lives Matter movement, including during the May-June 2020 protests. These resources include examples of how people are documenting BLM as well as links to tips and articles to help you get started with documenting and archiving.

4 images of protestors at Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 in the US

Defund the police! (Creatively)

A look at the creative tactics being used to defund the police. Protest resources from Beautiful Trouble for the Black Lives Matter movement.

People at protest with signs saying 'black lives matter' and 'fire and jail terrorist cops #georgefloyd'

Resources About Police Violence and Racial Justice

The murder of George Floyd by police in the US has sparked a powerful response from the Black Lives Matter movement and communities of colour. The following resources give context to the US situation as well as related struggles in Australia.

A group of people of different races stand together. Each person wears a Democracy in Colour tshirt.

Standing in Solidarity with People of Colour

Awareness of racial injustice is spreading and many white people are wondering how they can challenge white supremacy and act in solidarity. This article outlines Democracy in Colour’s Solidarity Network and shares thought provoking resources. 

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