


Without the funds to employ staff, run websites, buy advertising, rent premises, and cover all the other costs of operating… social change initiatives can grind to a halt. Here you will find tips for fundraising both offline and online, including some experiments to boost fundraising results from emails and social media.

Fundraising: Start Here

Need some fundraising help? The Commons Library has collated a list of fundraising resources for not for profits and crowdfunders.

Fundraising Strategy and Planning

Do you need to set up a fundraising strategy and plan? Here are two articles and video to get you started from the Funding Centre at Our Community.

man holding jar of australian money

The Seven Pillars of Fundraising

To survive and thrive in a changing world, a not-for-profit organisation must develop a fundraising plan that rests on these seven pillars of fundraising…

Icon showing a computer screen with heart and graph representing crowdfunding

How to get started with Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a great way to get funding for a specific project. It can bring in much-needed funding and attract a whole new audience of supporters.

woman dressed as an angel holding up sign that says Keep oil and gas in the ground with a row of policeman standing behind her

Crowdfunding for civil disobedience

Crowdfunding to cover the cost of fines for civil disobedience shares the cost among many supporters and reduces financial pressure on organisations or small grassroots groups. Here’s some tips from CounterAct on effective fundraising in this context.

inside a hall of art exhibition

Art for Change: Fundraising with Art

An interview with Brenda from Art for Change, a group of artists who donate time and art to help humanity, with useful tips on how to fundraise with art.

Change Makers (Text on orange background)

ChangeMaker Chat with Joan Garry: Personal and Professional Change

A interview with Joan Garry, an inspiring changemaker, who led change in her personal life (marriage equality) and professionally (running not for profits). Joan discusses the pressures on social service organisations and nonprofits during the pandemic and ways to adapt.

Orange megaphone on orange wall

The Basics of Crowdfunding and how to use Pozible

Rick Chen, cofounder of Pozible, came along to a Melbourne Campaigner’s Network session to introduce the basics of crowd-funding and how to use the Pozible platform. Read on for some tips on how to get your crowd-funder up and running!

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