
Wellbeing_Self care

Text: Wellbeing on the Campaign Trail. Image: A packet of crisps spills out against a navy blue background.

Campaign Wellbeing Bingo

A bingo sheet full of low barrier things folks can do to stay healthier and handle stress better when under pressure.

Close up photograph of two hands open holding a small yellow daisy flower. Text under the photo reads 'Tips for life in lockdown'

Tips for Life in Lockdown

Tips for personal and collective wellbeing and resilience during Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. Insights from a survey by Commons Librarians.

people at protest. woman wearing hijab holding cardboard sign that says Judge potential not postcode

5 Principles to Guide Campaigning in 2021

Ideas about how organisations and grassroots collectives can campaign in 2021 – it’s not a ‘normal’ year.Here are 5 principles to guide you.

Ending the Activist Year Well

After a big year of effort it’s important to take time for reflection, evaluation, team-building, celebration, and planning. These resources will help.

A group of friends stand with arms around each other looking out across a valley.

Tips for US election feels

Many people have strong feelings about the US election. Here’s some suggestions around ways to support yourself and others.

Photo of a person sitting on a couch holding a laptop.

Staying Together While Keeping Apart

Holly Hammond’s speech to the Green Institute’s webinar. Includes suggested resources in relation to staying connected to ourselves, each other, reality and our values.

swiss army tool that represents collaboration and working together with different icons such as hands shaking, hammer, shovel,etc.

Navigating Trauma in Disaster Relief

This guide is for anyone who is experiencing trauma and/or helping people with their trauma. It is by the Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, a grassroots disaster relief network in the US based on the principles of solidarity, mutual aid, and autonomous direct action.

Front cover of The Activists Handbook.

Personal sustainability for activists

Being an activist can be one of the most rewarding journeys in life, but it is important to be aware of the significant personal skills and awareness needed to avoid the pitfalls.

Activism and the Power of Humour

This paper uses Australian case studies to demonstrate the continued evolution of the use of humour in environmental, peace, and social justice movements.

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