
Strategy_Strategic planning

Labor Power and Strategy: How to Read Womack

The 2023 book Labour Power and Strategy, edited by Peter Olney and Glenn Perušek, is centred around a lengthy interview with labour organiser and historian John Womack Jr in which he argues for the importance of ‘strategic workplace organising’

Article image. Title reads Nonviolent Action and Pro-Democracy Struggles. Foreign Policy in Focus logo is in top right hand corner. Image is a close up of the work democracy in the dictionary. The work democracy is in red writing.

Nonviolent Action and Pro-Democracy Struggles

The main issue is that the US government’s “democracy promotion” agenda has provided repressive regimes with an excuse to label popular pro-democracy movements challenging them as foreign agents, even when led by independent grassroots nonviolent activists.

screenshot of webinar front page that reads visual strategy for movements, Powerlabes training. There is a collage of faint, grey icons in the background including a loudspeaker, paint brush, speech bublbes, pen, paint roller and clipboard.

Projecting Power: Visual Strategy for Movements

Webinars on visual strategy will help you make a plan to create the images we need to win. You’ll be ready to tell a bolder story in the street, maximizing threat to power and making actions more welcoming and joyful.

pencil drawing of a lightbulb with a question mark inside the bulb

Campaign Research 101

An introduction to the basics of campaign research for social change advocates. Campaign research helps you get the right message, in the right format, delivered by the right messengers, to the right audience through the right channels.

Fundraising Strategy and Planning

Do you need to set up a fundraising strategy and plan? Here are two articles and video to get you started from the Funding Centre at Our Community.

Close up photograph of four people gripping hands to wrists forming a solid square.

How to Build Networked Coalitions

How-to guide on networked coalitions/campaigns. Harness the power of networks to develop more agile, dynamic and distributed campaigning coalitions.

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