

Protestors wearing masks and holding placards gathering for a Black Lives Matter rally.

Make Change: How-To’s for Effective Peaceful Protest

Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement this article includes tips and links to make what you need for safe, peaceful, and effective protest. Includes signs, effigies, banners, street art, ways to manage pepper spray and tear gas, surveillance considerations and interactions with police liaison.

4 images of protestors at Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 in the US

Defund the police! (Creatively)

A look at the creative tactics being used to defund the police. Protest resources from Beautiful Trouble for the Black Lives Matter movement.

paper cut of a red triangle pointing to a cut out of australia

People’s History of Australia Podcast

People’s History of Australia-podcast and blog looking at Australian history from the perspective of ordinary people fighting together for a better life.

woman dressed as an angel holding up sign that says Keep oil and gas in the ground with a row of policeman standing behind her

Crowdfunding for civil disobedience

Crowdfunding to cover the cost of fines for civil disobedience shares the cost among many supporters and reduces financial pressure on organisations or small grassroots groups. Here’s some tips from CounterAct on effective fundraising in this context.

The Art(s) of Non-violent Activism

Marty Branagan discusses the role of the arts (music, visual art, street theatre) as an effective method of protest and social change in Australia.

Title reads 'Checklist for Affinity Groups'. A clipboard with a checked list. A row of silhouetted protestors is at the bottom.

Checklist for Affinity Groups

Checklist for affinity groups – looking out for each other and yourself when participating in a blockade or protest.

Uncle Kevin Buzzacott stands in front of a large banner depicting a black hand against a red and yellow nuclear symbol.

Interview with Kevin Buzzacott

Kevin Buzzacott is a key figure in the opposition to the South Australian Olympic Dam mine and the nuclear industry in general. In this interview he outlines a number of the creative actions he has taken part in as part of a series of campaigns addressing the issues of dispossession and Aboriginal sovereignty.

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