A book and a series of in depth videos based on each chapter about Environmental Movements and Activism around the World.
Movements_Campaigns – Climate action and justice
Organising Stories and Lessons from the 350 Organising Story Telling Lab
Collection of different case studies / stories of organising and movements from across the globe collated and presented by 350.org.
Introduction to Campaigning and Social Movements (Online Courses)
Three courses by 350.org about how to campaign and social movements. The courses are very user friendly, easy to follow and accessible.
We Need a Climate Movement that Addresses the Trauma of Fighting for a Burning Planet
To build an impactful climate justice movement able to face the challenges ahead we must first build cultures that care for the people doing the work.
Auckland Transport Decarbonisation Campaign (2020 – 2022)
Campaign case study to decarbonise road transport by a coalition of environmental & social change groups in Auckland, New Zealand / Aoteoroa.
Commons Conversations Podcast: Insights into Activism
Commons Conversations Podcast – Interviews with campaigners about insights into activism, learning in movements, radical history and more.
Why North-South Intersectionality Matters in Climate Justice: Perspectives of South Asian Australian Youth Climate Activists
What does climate justice actually look like in the Australian climate movement? Recommendations from a report by SAPNA reveal the need for diversity.
Frontline Action on Coal FLAC: Ten Years on the Climate Frontline
Frontline Action on Coal (FLAC) have used blockades and non-violent direct action to oppose new fossil fuel projects in Australia.
Australian Campaign Case Study: Stop Adani, 2012 – 2022
Learn about the Divestment campaign case study in Australia which aimed to secure commitments from institutions to divest from fossil fuels.
Australian Campaign Case Study: Divestment Campaign 2013 – 2021
Learn about the Divestment campaign case study in Australia which aimed to secure commitments from institutions to divest from fossil fuels.
Environmental Movements and Activism around the World: Book and Videos
A book and a series of in depth videos based on each chapter about Environmental Movements and Activism around the World.
Organising Stories and Lessons from the 350 Organising Story Telling Lab
Collection of different case studies / stories of organising and movements from across the globe collated and presented by 350.org.
Introduction to Campaigning and Social Movements (Online Courses)
Three courses by 350.org about how to campaign and social movements. The courses are very user friendly, easy to follow and accessible.
We Need a Climate Movement that Addresses the Trauma of Fighting for a Burning Planet
To build an impactful climate justice movement able to face the challenges ahead we must first build cultures that care for the people doing the work.
Auckland Transport Decarbonisation Campaign (2020 – 2022)
Campaign case study to decarbonise road transport by a coalition of environmental & social change groups in Auckland, New Zealand / Aoteoroa.
Commons Conversations Podcast: Insights into Activism
Commons Conversations Podcast – Interviews with campaigners about insights into activism, learning in movements, radical history and more.
Why North-South Intersectionality Matters in Climate Justice: Perspectives of South Asian Australian Youth Climate Activists
What does climate justice actually look like in the Australian climate movement? Recommendations from a report by SAPNA reveal the need for diversity.
Frontline Action on Coal FLAC: Ten Years on the Climate Frontline
Frontline Action on Coal (FLAC) have used blockades and non-violent direct action to oppose new fossil fuel projects in Australia.
Australian Campaign Case Study: Stop Adani, 2012 – 2022
Learn about the Divestment campaign case study in Australia which aimed to secure commitments from institutions to divest from fossil fuels.
Australian Campaign Case Study: Divestment Campaign 2013 – 2021
Learn about the Divestment campaign case study in Australia which aimed to secure commitments from institutions to divest from fossil fuels.