
Movements_Campaigns – Climate action and justice

Section from the cover page of Propagate, Pollinate, Practice. Includes photographs of people engaging in Movement Generation trainings.

Resilience based organizing

Resilience-Based Organizing departs from traditional organising approaches to address the reality of the ecological crisis. It involves 3 core ingredients: Reclaim Our Labor; Contest for Power, Create a Crisis of Governance; Lead With Vision.

people at climate change march with person holding orange parasol with words "we are the people's climate march"

Parasols of Protest

Activism and Artivism – Sharon France, graphic designer, shares how she created the designs for ‘parasols for protests’ for the People’s Climate March.

Photograph of a group of people having a meeting.

Action group meetings

This tip sheet has been written to help you and your group work well together and achieve your objectives and highlights some group habits and actions that resilient community groups have relied on: effective meetings with an agreed agenda; clearly-defined roles; mindful decision-making; accountability; and inclusiveness.

Legal Handbook for the Victorian Coal and Gas Movement

The purpose of this handbook is to help you understand your rights and what risks you might be taking, including when you could be arrested and what you could be charged with, if you choose to participate in protests and other actions.

Protestor holding Stop Adani sign on stage with Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Stop Adani and the Suffragettes Reflections on targets and tactics

Joel Dignam analyses two campaign moments: Stop Adani’s targeting of the ALP in the 2018 Queensland state election and the UK women’s suffrage campaign targeting of Liberals in 1905. The lesson? Target those most likely to give you what you want, and sometimes that means creating political risk for them.

A logo on an orange background with the words Pacific Climate Warriors written in white.

Koreti Tiumalu from 350.org speaks at Progress 2015

As an organizer for the Pacific Climate Warriors, Koreti Tiumalu stood boldly in her truth and lived out the words “we are not drowning, we are fighting!” in every way. This videos was filmed at Progress 2015 and is an inspiring look at her journey to being a climate activist and a mother.

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