This book chapter by Aidan Ricketts is about the key moments and positive sides of the old forest growth campaign in northern NSW in the 1990s.
Environmental Blockading in Australia and Around the World – Timeline 1974-1997
A timeline and video of blockades against logging, development, mining in Australia and around the world from the seventies to the nineties.
Films about Women and Social Justice and Change
An inspiring list of feature films and documentaries about women and social change including Women of Steel, Suffragette, Mission Blue, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry and more.
The Jabiluka Blockade – 22 years on
Do you know about one of Australia’s most effective anti-nuclear blockades? The Jabiluka blockade in 1998 stopped the Ranger Uranium Mine in Australia. This article includes the campaign timeline and many further resources.
The Battle for Aboriginal Heritage on Perth’s Foreshore 30 years on
Thirty years ago from January 2019 Noongar activists set up a protest camp at Gooninup, the site of the derelict Old Swan Brewery on Perth’s foreshore. This marked the beginning of a four-year long struggle to secure recognition of an Aboriginal sacred site.
Enabling Emergence: The Bentley Blockade and the Struggle for a Gasfield Free Northern Rivers
A case study and theoretical examination of nonviolent direct action against fracking in the Northern Rivers Region in Australia.
Listen and Watch to 40 years of Australian Blockading Songs
A list of songs from the last 40 years of the environmental movement in Australia including the Terania and Franklin River blockades.
Sign Language: The story of the Jabiluka symbol
The artist’s story of how the Stop Jabiluka hand symbol was designed and developed and grew to become a symbol for the anti-nuclear movement.
30 years of Creative Resistance by Friends of the Earth Australia
’30 years of Creative Resistance’ is a compilation of writing and art celebrating the work of Friends of the Earth Australia over the last thirty years.
Checklist for Affinity Groups
Checklist for affinity groups – looking out for each other and yourself when participating in a blockade or protest.
Om gaia dudes: The North East Forest Alliance’s old-growth forest campaign
This book chapter by Aidan Ricketts is about the key moments and positive sides of the old forest growth campaign in northern NSW in the 1990s.
Environmental Blockading in Australia and Around the World – Timeline 1974-1997
A timeline and video of blockades against logging, development, mining in Australia and around the world from the seventies to the nineties.
Films about Women and Social Justice and Change
An inspiring list of feature films and documentaries about women and social change including Women of Steel, Suffragette, Mission Blue, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry and more.
The Jabiluka Blockade – 22 years on
Do you know about one of Australia’s most effective anti-nuclear blockades? The Jabiluka blockade in 1998 stopped the Ranger Uranium Mine in Australia. This article includes the campaign timeline and many further resources.
The Battle for Aboriginal Heritage on Perth’s Foreshore 30 years on
Thirty years ago from January 2019 Noongar activists set up a protest camp at Gooninup, the site of the derelict Old Swan Brewery on Perth’s foreshore. This marked the beginning of a four-year long struggle to secure recognition of an Aboriginal sacred site.
Enabling Emergence: The Bentley Blockade and the Struggle for a Gasfield Free Northern Rivers
A case study and theoretical examination of nonviolent direct action against fracking in the Northern Rivers Region in Australia.
Listen and Watch to 40 years of Australian Blockading Songs
A list of songs from the last 40 years of the environmental movement in Australia including the Terania and Franklin River blockades.
Sign Language: The story of the Jabiluka symbol
The artist’s story of how the Stop Jabiluka hand symbol was designed and developed and grew to become a symbol for the anti-nuclear movement.
30 years of Creative Resistance by Friends of the Earth Australia
’30 years of Creative Resistance’ is a compilation of writing and art celebrating the work of Friends of the Earth Australia over the last thirty years.
Checklist for Affinity Groups
Checklist for affinity groups – looking out for each other and yourself when participating in a blockade or protest.