

67 results found.

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TED talk: How to recover from activism burnout

  When you’re feeling burned out as an activist, what’s the best way to bounce back? TED Senior Fellow Yana Buhrer Tavanier explores the power of “playtivism” — the incorporation…

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TED talk: Community organizing, say whaattt??

Ray Friedlander is an activist and community organizer for the Sitka Conservation Society. She has spent the last six years working with people for positive change within their communities, on…

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TED talk: Fight Injustice with Raw Video

Introduction Activist Peter Gabriel shares his very personal motivation for standing up for human rights with the watchdog group WITNESS — and tells stories of citizen journalists in action. Watch…

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TED talk: What new power looks like

We can see the power of distributed, crowd-sourced business models every day — witness Uber, Kickstarter, Airbnb. But veteran online activist Jeremy Heimans asks: When does that kind of “new…

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TED talk: Fighting with nonviolence

  How do you deal with a bully without becoming a thug? In this wise and soulful talk, peace activist Scilla Elworthy maps out the skills we need — as…

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TED Talk: Courage is Contagious

Introduction When artist Damon Davis went to join the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after police killed Michael Brown in 2014, he found not only anger but also a sense of…

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