

Photograph of a report with the title 'Passing the Message Stick'

The 2023 Voice Referendum Outcome: A Messaging Guide

In the aftermath of a challenging referendum loss, our communities are facing a critical juncture. GetUp and Australian Progress offer a messaging guide for social change organisations, helping you speak out and channel emotions into constructive action. Read an excerpt and download the full report.

an illustration of an astronaut holding a flag

Campaign Communications Course

A course for grassroot groups to understand the basics of public communications for building a convincing, winning campaign.

a table of story archetypes worksheet

Mapping Story Archetypes

The six-page PDF includes instructions, worksheet, and an example to get you started mapping the movies, shows, books and entertainment your audiences consume, and how to match stories with the kinds of actions you want your audience to take.

information sheet titled 'Story based Strategy 101'. There are 5 icons and a silhouette of a crowd.

Story Based Strategy 101

An accessible guide to story based strategy in movement building by the Center for Story Based Strategy.

text says naming an advocacy campaign. two photos of a lock the gate sign on a fence and a banner that protestors are holding that says fight for $15

Naming an Advocacy Campaign

How do you name an advocacy campaign? Here is a guide, tips, and thoughts to help you with the process of naming a campaign.

Marshall Ganz teaching a class

Public Narrative: Online Course

Learn all about public narrative and the power of story through this series of videos from Marshall Ganz and the Resistance School.

Front cover of the Press Officer Handbook (no images).

The NEON guide to progressive media work

NEON’s Press Officer Handbook, a comprehensive guide to effective media work in social movements. Includes writing press releases, using the phone, preparing spokespeople for broadcast and much more.

text only

Zoom Meetings Host Guide

This clear and easy guide produced by The Australian Conservation Foundation will help you set up and run an online meeting using Zoom. 

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