
Manuals, Guides and Toolkits

Leaderful Organizing

The Leaderful Organizing Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that offers practical guidance, tools, and examples for fostering leadership and collective action within organizations and movements.

Photograph of a report with the title 'Passing the Message Stick'

The 2023 Voice Referendum Outcome: A Messaging Guide

In the aftermath of a challenging referendum loss, our communities are facing a critical juncture. GetUp and Australian Progress offer a messaging guide for social change organisations, helping you speak out and channel emotions into constructive action. Read an excerpt and download the full report.

Australian Blockading Handbooks

A collection of Australian Blockading Handbooks from the 1980s to the present including the Daintree, Franklin River, Jabiluka, etc.

Cover of manual. Text reads 'Introduction to Digital Organizing'.

Introduction to Digital Organizing

A primer designed by re:power to help you understand how to best use digital organizing strategies and tactics to strengthen your electoral and advocacy organizing work.

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