
hand holding pen signing petition

How to Get More Petition Signatures

A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members to run successful petitions, including notes on strategy, tips for getting more signatures, and example campaigns.

book cover showing ripped paper revealing the word change

How Change Happens

How Change Happens, a book by Duncan Green brings together the latest research from a range of academic disciplines and the evolving practical understanding of activists.

man standing in front of a eureka stockade flag giving a speech

What can be done? A Rumination

A personal reflection by Rowan Cahill on a life of activism that started when he was conscripted to the Vietnam War as a 20 year old. 

storytelling hard copy form broken into parts with icons

The Story Canvas Template

The Story Canvas is a template and/or online form from the Digital Storytellers which guides you to fill in the right ingredients to make a powerful story.

Top 10 resources of 2020

The top 10 resources of 2020 from The Commons Social Change Library featuring resources on organising, activism, campaigning and more.

Top 10 resources of 2019

The top 10 resources of 2019 from The Commons Social Change Library featuring resources on organising, activism, campaigning and more.

a big red barn

Barnstorming in the Australian Context

Insights from the ‘Barnstorming in the Australian Context’ workshop at FWD+Organise 2019. Includes information about what barnstorming is, tips for running them well, and examples from four Australian organisations.

Hands holding a mobile phone and filming

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The nature of video and digital campaigning changes so rapidly, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the latest strategies to cut through and move people. This article & presentation outlines 5 key trends plus a useful checklist for developing compelling videos.

woman dressed as an angel holding up sign that says Keep oil and gas in the ground with a row of policeman standing behind her

Crowdfunding for civil disobedience

Crowdfunding to cover the cost of fines for civil disobedience shares the cost among many supporters and reduces financial pressure on organisations or small grassroots groups. Here’s some tips from CounterAct on effective fundraising in this context.

Icons representing website accessibility framed around a computer screen

Improve your Website Accessibility

A comprehensive list of tools, checklists and websites to improve your website accessibility, e,g, standards, colours, documents, design, images, etc.

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