Stories are powerful. So how do we ensure Story Telling always centres the Story Holder throughout?
Transformational Ethical Story Telling (T.E.S.T.) creates safer spaces for Story Holders, empowering them to create, curate and control their Stories, on their own terms. T.E.S.T. is an anti-oppressive framework which aims to flip the Story Telling balance of power, where each person’s rights and needs – regardless of their race, ethnicity, language, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, health, ability, economic status or background – must be respected.
Below are resources by Our Race including the TEST Framework, Story Holder Guide and Story Caretaker Guide.
The resources are continually updated. Please see the Our Race website for the latest versions.
Stories have power.
Your Stories are important.
Your Stories have value.
You are the expert.
Stories can be harmful.
Stories can trigger.
Stories can heal.
You and your Stories have the power to create change and reclaim power.
Transformational Ethical Story Telling (T.E.S.T.) Framework
Our Race Community’s Transformational Ethical Story Telling (TEST) framework was the first ethical storytelling framework created in Australia through a process of deep collaboration between community storytellers, artists, lawyers and anti-racism academics and practitioners. (6 pgs PDF)
The framework works to shift the balance of power of storytelling by creating safer spaces for Story Holders, empowering them to create, curate & control their Stories on their terms.
Story Holder Guide
The Story Holder Guide is a free resource, translated into a few languages, which provides people who are invited to share their lived experiences, with a comprehensive set of questions and considerations to support them in making an informed choice to share their story. (16 pgs PDF)
Other Languages
- 变革性伦理故事讲述 (Simplified Chinese)
- ករនទនេរឿង្របកបេƽយសលធមែដលនឱយមនករផសបរ (Khmer)
- Kể Chuyện Đạo Đức Chuyển Đổi (Vietnamese)
Story Caretaker Guide
The Story Caretaker Guide is a free resource for individuals and organisations working with Story Holders at events and conferences to support them in embedding the T.E.S.T. principles to ensure Story Holders are respected and acknowledged for their lived experiences and expertise. (13 pgs PDF)