
Working in Groups

Working in Groups

Making change is a collective endeavour that can bring many challenges! One of the biggest stumbling blocks can be the group itself: passionate individuals trying to work together. These resources will help you set a group up well, tune it up if it already exists, make decisions together, navigate conflict, and develop skills to be an effective participant and facilitator.

Photo of a person sitting on a couch holding a laptop.

Staying Together While Keeping Apart

Holly Hammond’s speech to the Green Institute’s webinar. Includes suggested resources in relation to staying connected to ourselves, each other, reality and our values.

close up of man's hands gesturing in front of a laptop set up in table with woman in background

Facilitating Online Meetings

Online meetings can be a lot of fun! Here are a few ideas to make your meetings exciting, educational, and effective from Daniel Hunter,

Close up photograph of four people gripping hands to wrists forming a solid square.

How to Build Networked Coalitions

How-to guide on networked coalitions/campaigns. Harness the power of networks to develop more agile, dynamic and distributed campaigning coalitions.

A group of friends stand with arms around each other looking out across a valley.

Holding our groups together in hard times

When social change campaigns experience setbacks it’s understandable this can lead to difficulties in activist groups. Here are some tips and further resources for holding groups together in hard times.

Photograph of a group of people having a meeting.

Tips for Action Group Meetings

This tip sheet has been written to help you and your group work well together and achieve your objectives and highlights some group habits and actions that resilient community groups have relied on: effective meetings with an agreed agenda; clearly-defined roles; mindful decision-making; accountability; and inclusiveness.

A room full of women at a forum raising their hands, photographed from the back of the room.

Facilitating for Gender Balance

Men frequently participate more than women in meetings, forums and other events. This article outlines practical steps facilitators and participants can take to ensure women are heard.

Cover of Starhawk's 'The Five-Fold Path of Productive Meetings'

The Five Fold Path of Productive Meetings

Productive meetings allow an organization to move forward, keep members engaged and give them a sense of empowerment and efficacy. There are five aspects of structure and interpersonal dynamics we must pay special attention to if we want our meetings to be truly productive: Right People; Right Container; Right Process; Right Facilitation; Right Agenda.

A group of friends stand with arms around each other looking out across a valley.

Running Effective Campaign Debriefs

Every campaign is a learning opportunity. Make the most of this by planning for the post-campaign period and setting up debriefs. Here are some tips for campaigners and facilitators.

Cover of the Pt'chang Volunteers Manual.

Pt’chang Volunteers Manual

Resources for inducting new volunteers into a peacebuilding community project. Includes insights into how one voluntary group operated, consensus decision making, and internal conflict resolution processes.

Enhancing collective decision-making with technology

Ben Knight presented at Progress 2015 about the power of unleashing collective intelligence through better technology. He provides a short introduction to the Loomio platform for discussion and decision-making.

A group of people sit together around a table.

Maintaining Group Morale and Motivation

Group morale is a key contributor to the success of a group, increasing cohesion, reducing burnout and preventing activist turnover. Build team relationships; resolve conflicts and improve communication; and celebrate success.

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