

Nonviolent Direct Action as Social Parable

This article “Nonviolent Direct Action as Social Parable” by Daniel Hunter explores how nonviolent direct action (NVDA) functions as a method of social change, akin to parables in religious and philosophical teachings.

Leaderful Organizing

The Leaderful Organizing Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that offers practical guidance, tools, and examples for fostering leadership and collective action within organizations and movements.

The Power Matrix

This matrix presents how different dimensions of power interact to shape the problem and the possibility of citizen participation and action.

The Power Cube

The Power Cube is a tool to analyse the power your targets hold so you can create a more effective campaign strategy and bring about change.

a large mass of people walking down the street protesting and holding signs. One sign reads Thou shall not mess with women's reproductive rights.

Campaign Starter Pack

This Campaign Starter Pack from Campaign Bootcamp UK contains information, inspiration and activity sheets, based on the experience and knowledge of people who have fought for change.

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