

A poster with details of an event at which Marisa Holmes spoke in 2024.

Lessons from Occupy Wall Street

Listen to an interview with Marisa Holmes about her experiences of the Occupy Wall Street moment in terms of what worked, and what didn’t, as well as lessons to be drawn for the future.

Text over image reads Organising a civil disobedience so that new people want to do it again: Lessons from Ende Gelande. Four people are sitting on the ground in white workers suits.

Organising Civil Disobedience for Newcomers

350.org shares valuable lessons on organizing civil disobedience for newcomers, emphasizing trust-building, narrative development, preparation for repression, affinity groups, and post-action debriefing.

People helping each other through flood waters.

A Critical Framework for Just Recovery

The climate crisis exacerbates pre-existing inequalities. Movement Generation provide a framework for Just Recovery from extreme weather events including root cause remedies, revolutionary self-governance, rights-based organizing, reparations, and ecological restoration for resilience.

Section from the cover page of Propagate, Pollinate, Practice. Includes photographs of people engaging in Movement Generation trainings.

Resilience based organizing

Resilience-Based Organizing departs from traditional organising approaches to address the reality of the ecological crisis. It involves 3 core ingredients: Reclaim Our Labor; Contest for Power, Create a Crisis of Governance; Lead With Vision.

Change Makers (Text on orange background)

ChangeMakers Podcast Series 2

The ChangeMakers podcast is short series podcast that tells stories about people who are striving for social change across the world.

Black and white photograph of four protestors standing in front of Old Parliament House. Placards read 'Land Ownership Not Lease', 'Land Rights or Else!', 'Why Pay to Use Our Own Land', 'Which Do You Choose: Land Rights or Bloodshed?'. 'Legally This is Our Land. We Shall Take It If Need Be'.

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy was established in 1972 when the Coalition Government failed to recognise the land rights of Indigenous people. From its inception, the Embassy has been interwoven into Canberra’s physical and political landscape, blending black politics, symbolism and theatre that opponents have found difficult to counter.

A group of people stand with their fists in the air. Children sit at the front of the gathering.

Reclaiming a segregated city in Cape Town, South Africa

Reclaim the City are desegregating the inner city suburbs of Cape Town by fighting for housing for the poor. They do this by occupying sites to create emergency accommodation while also campaigning for the building of affordable housing.

Pro-democracy protesters hold umbrellas in front of police cordon line outside of the Hong Kong Government Complex.

Umbrella Movement Reflections

In 2014 the Hong Kong Umbrella Occupation shook the world. The 79-day occupation of the Admiralty political and commercial district ended on 11 December 2014, with the police arresting hundreds of protesters.

Photograph of the first General Assembly of Occupy Melbourne, October 15 2011. A large gathering of people in City Square with signs.

Facilitation at Occupy Melbourne

Insights about facilitation from the very challenging General Assembly process at Occupy Melbourne. This article will be of interest to facilitators and others learning about group process, as well as people keen to find out about the Occupy movement. These reflections were written two weeks after Occupy Melbourne kicked off in October 2011. 

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