
Direct action – Non violent NVDA

Article image. Title reads Nonviolent Action and Pro-Democracy Struggles. Foreign Policy in Focus logo is in top right hand corner. Image is a close up of the work democracy in the dictionary. The work democracy is in red writing.

Nonviolent Action and Pro-Democracy Struggles

The main issue is that the US government’s “democracy promotion” agenda has provided repressive regimes with an excuse to label popular pro-democracy movements challenging them as foreign agents, even when led by independent grassroots nonviolent activists.

Book cover for Iron Will: Global Extractivism and Mining Resistance in Brazil and India

Mining Resistance in India

Community resistance has been astonishingly effective at stopping mining in India. This article draws from the book Iron Will.

Book cover for Iron Will: Global Extractivism and Mining Resistance in Brazil and India

Mining Resistance in Brazil

Community resistance has been astonishingly effective at stopping mining in Brazil. This article draws from the book Iron Will.

Yellow triangle with words that read - vote for the franklin. The triangle is on top of an image of Rock Island Bend, a rock formation in the Franklin River. Steep rock cliffs with forest frame the river flowing towards a large rock outcrop that the river flows around.

Franklin River Campaign

Learn all about the successful Franklin River Campaign that took place in Tasmania in the 1980s. Includes videos & school resources.

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