Learn about the 6 characteristics of the Knitting Nannas, groups of cheeky, disorganised, supportive older women activists against fracking.

Learn about the 6 characteristics of the Knitting Nannas, groups of cheeky, disorganised, supportive older women activists against fracking.
In this article Denver, Colorado based group Warm Cookies of the Revolution outline how they use innovative arts and cultural programs to help people exercise their “Civic Health” and engage in social change.
Suggestions from the Commons Librarians about resources to explore in the Arts & Creativity topic area – to help you bring more art and heart to your social change activities.
Creative tactics for social change: Different ways of spreading messages and information in a creative way, including placards, plaques, projections and craftivism.
Listen to Podcasts from 3CR Community Radio curated by Iain McIntrye about activism and the arts.
An interview with Maggie Cowling from Ducks for Detainees which is a group that holds art events to maintain awareness of the plight of offshore detainees.
This handbook defines craftivism & provides strategies and tools designed to help readers develop greater confidence in their practice.
Sarah Corbett introduces us to craftivism a quieter form of activism that uses handicrafts as a way to get people to take action.
Learn about the 6 characteristics of the Knitting Nannas, groups of cheeky, disorganised, supportive older women activists against fracking.
In this article Denver, Colorado based group Warm Cookies of the Revolution outline how they use innovative arts and cultural programs to help people exercise their “Civic Health” and engage in social change.
Suggestions from the Commons Librarians about resources to explore in the Arts & Creativity topic area – to help you bring more art and heart to your social change activities.
Creative tactics for social change: Different ways of spreading messages and information in a creative way, including placards, plaques, projections and craftivism.
Listen to Podcasts from 3CR Community Radio curated by Iain McIntrye about activism and the arts.
An interview with Maggie Cowling from Ducks for Detainees which is a group that holds art events to maintain awareness of the plight of offshore detainees.
This handbook defines craftivism & provides strategies and tools designed to help readers develop greater confidence in their practice.
Sarah Corbett introduces us to craftivism a quieter form of activism that uses handicrafts as a way to get people to take action.