

96 results found.

Cover of the book 'The Starfish and the Spider. Features a drawing of a starfish.

Decentralisation: The Starfish and the Spider

…Beckstrom argue that most decentralised organisations start by piggybacking on existing social infrastructure: another example they give is Bill W., the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, who piggybacked on “The Oxford…

illustration of people walking along an arrow that curves to the left. There is one person on top of the arrow.

Making Change: What Works?

…Podcast) Directory of Social Change Organisations, Networks, Trainers and Hubs Theories of Change Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan and Four Roles of Activism What’s New in the Commons Library  …

A jubilant group of people pose behind a large banner reading 'We won'. They are at the beach with sky and ocean in the background.

Celebration is an Activist Skill

…come back from Losses? Staying Resilient While Trying to Save the World: A Fanzine for Activists and Volunteers, Amnesty International Surviving the ups and downs of social movements (Bill Moyer)…

Legal Guides for Activists about Protests

…Magazine, Aug 2022 Victorian Labor passes anti-protest law despite opposition from union and human rights groups, Green Left,10 Aug 2022 Police Offences Amendment (Workplace Protection) Bill 2022 Submissions, Department of…

A number of African American students sit along a lunch counter.

Lessons from the Greensboro Student Sit-ins

…observed numerous times in social movements, and named by Bill Moyer in his discussion of the four roles of activists. Moyer appreciates the role of the reformer – the NAACP…

Titled 'Campaign Tactics'. Illustration of a loudhailer with different objects floating out of it including icons for a phone, video play, clock and cog. Leaning against the lip of the loudhailer is a target board with an arrow in the centre and there are a few gold coins lying on the ground beneath it.

Campaign Tactics

…the town wanted all along. A neighbourhood in my city of Philadelphia didn’t have trash or recycling picked up. They organised a neighbourhood trash pickup and sent a bill for…

Titled 'Social change myths'. Illustration of 3 speech bubbles. One says Myths, the other VS and the other Facts.

Social Change Myths

…– Português Руководство климатического сопротивления Russian – Pусский Explore Further Books to Read if you are Interested in Activism, Social Change and Justice Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan and Four…

Titled 'How to create a campaign'. Two illlustrations. The one on the right shows... Title reads 'Politicians are like a balloon'. Illustration of a rock with a balloon tied to it floating above. In the balloon is a picture of a man wearing a suit. Drawn on the rock are outlines of people and a heart shape where the heart sits in the body. The illustration on the left shows...A half pie chart diagram illustration representing and titled 'Spectrum of Allies'. There are five segments and arrows pointing from right to left. A person is in each segment representing hostility to neutrality to being happy.

How to Create a Campaign

…council members wrote a fracking ban. But the bill never moved forward. Months went by, and they couldn’t gain an inch. Then it got worse. One of the supportive council…

a large mass of people walking down the street protesting and holding signs. One sign reads Thou shall not mess with women's reproductive rights.

Campaign Starter Pack

Introduction The ones who believe they can change the world are the ones who do. This Campaign Starter Pack from Campaign Bootcamp UK contains information, inspiration and activity sheets, based…

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