
Mobilisation Lab

Mobilisation Lab

Mobilisation Lab was born inside Greenpeace International to enable faster and better development of global best practice in digital campaigning. Now the MobLab is an independent global organisation transforming social change for the networked age.

The MobLab enables global campaigners to build a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world by equipping them with strategies, tools, tactics, and partners, using a systems-based, people-powered approach.

The Commons MobLab collection brings together many of the reports, training materials, toolkits and other materials they share with campaigners, strategists and advocacy leaders.

template form called 'Campaign Canvas Toolkit' with boxes to fill in. The text in the form reads '1. Vision What is the long term vision for what you want to achieve with this campaign? 2. What needs to change? Based on the problems we’ve identified that contribute to the current situation, what needs to change? 3. How can we create that change? How can we disrupt and transform the current system? How can we create culture change on this issue? How can we disrupt or transform insititions? How can we support or amplify alternatives? 4. Who can help? Who do we need to bring about this change? Who has influence? Who is affected? And who can we collaborate with? 5. What influences? What relationships, trends or events currently have influence/help sustain the current situation or could shift it? 6. Goals What is the specific goal for this project? Objectives What do we need to do to bring this about? 7. Outcomes What does success look like? Indicators How will we know we’re on the right path? 8. What’s the story? What are the key elements of the new narrative we want to create? 9. What do people need to do? How can audiences and allies help bring about this change? What are our asks to them? 10. What do we need to do? What are the key activities and tasks that we need to do to support people to take action and create a shift? 11. Assumptions What assumptions have we made about how the system will respond? Why do we believe this plan will succeed? 12. Risks Why might this plan fail? What resistance could we face? Are there risks to staff or the organisation? 13. Tracking & measuring What will we track and measure to show we are making progress towards our objectives?'.

The Campaign Canvas [Template]

From vision and strategy to storytelling and metrics, this template ensures you’ve touched on all the essentials of an effective campaign.

Over a dozen hands reach into the middle of a circle, making the 'all in' symbol

The Mobilisation Integration Toolkit

An overview of the tools and tactics Greenpeace offices around the world use to ensure their office teams are working seamlessly together. Explore by Country/Region and Trait to find the successful practices or “bright spots” highlighting ongoing experiments in team integration.

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