
Democracy Resource Hub Collection

Democracy Resource Hub Collection

The purpose of this hub is to provide a wide range of tools and resources for anti-authoritarian and pro-democracy organizing in an easily accessible manner for trainers/facilitators, researchers, and practitioners.

This includes tools and resources from the fields of social justice, nonviolence action, organizing, leadership, bridge-building, peacebuilding, and democracy strengthening.

Artwork: Veronika Belcheva (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Democracy Resource Hub logo. Text reads 'Democracy Resource Hub' in white capital letters on turquoise background. Illustration of people in different colours standing on each others shoulders in a pyramid formation holding up the world. The illustration is by Veronika Belcheva (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Democracy Resource Hub

The Democracy Hub has a wide range of nonviolent tools and resources for anti-authoritarian and pro-democracy organizing.

Title reads 'Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook'. A blackboard with chalk illustrations and arrows. From left to right across the blackboard is a cannon being lit with text 'Weaponize fear'. Then a balancing scale with a hand holding one side down that reads 'Undermine Institutions'. Then a hand holding up a book that reads 'Exploit religions'. Then a family with a suitcase standing in front of a large metal fence that reads 'Target outsiders'. Then a person standing on a step holding a sword aloft that reads 'Rewrite history'. Then two hands - one is holding two people up and one is squishing two people down and text reads 'Divide and conquer'. Then a sum of 2 + 2 = 4 with a hammer smashing the 4 and text reads 'Erode truth'.

Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook

How populist nationalist leaders across various democracies are employing a playbook involving fear exploitation, institutional undermining, truth erosion, and more to erode democratic values and consolidate power.

Report cover - Title reads 'How Rural Organizing Can Build Power. Map of southern eastern states of America.

How Rural Organizing Can Build Power

This report about rural organizing in North Carolina, United States outlines lessons, actions and recommendations for rural organizers and communities in organizing and building political power.

Screenshot of Digital Tools Assessment template. It has text and columns to fill out.

Digital Tools Assessment Template

Handy template to assess the digital tools currently in your organization or campaign toolbox and how those tools can be leveraged to build or deepen capacities.

Cover of manual. Text reads 'Introduction to Digital Organizing'.

Introduction to Digital Organizing

A primer designed by re:power to help you understand how to best use digital organizing strategies and tactics to strengthen your electoral and advocacy organizing work.

Coalition Building: Start Here

A guide to Coalition Building resources in the Commons Social Change Library including frameworks, training sessions, podcasts, and case studies.

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