
Democracy Resource Hub Collection

Democracy Resource Hub Collection

The purpose of this hub is to provide a wide range of tools and resources for anti-authoritarian and pro-democracy organizing in an easily accessible manner for trainers/facilitators, researchers, and practitioners.

This includes tools and resources from the fields of social justice, nonviolence action, organizing, leadership, bridge-building, peacebuilding, and democracy strengthening.

Artwork: Veronika Belcheva (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Report cover - Title reads Hold the Line: A Guide to Defending Democracy. Each of us can play a role.

Hold the Line: A Guide to Defending Democracy

Learn what “red lines” needed to be held during the election, step-by-step information for organizing in your community, and lessons from the field of civil resistance that can be applied to make change on a range of issues.

Article image. Title reads Nonviolent Action and Pro-Democracy Struggles. Foreign Policy in Focus logo is in top right hand corner. Image is a close up of the work democracy in the dictionary. The work democracy is in red writing.

Nonviolent Action and Pro-Democracy Struggles

The main issue is that the US government’s “democracy promotion” agenda has provided repressive regimes with an excuse to label popular pro-democracy movements challenging them as foreign agents, even when led by independent grassroots nonviolent activists.

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