
Daniel Hunter Collection

Daniel Hunter Collection

Daniel Hunter is an activist, trainer, strategist and author of multiple books: Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow, Climate Resistance Handbook, and Strategy and Soul.

He co-founded Choose Democracy to train tens of thousands about what to do in case of a Trump coup and has trained pro-democracy movements in Burma/Myanmar, Thailand, India, and many other places. He has recently worked as Associate Director for Global Training at, where he has developed numerous open source training materials available in many languages.

His activist training tools are everywhere — spread over his years as a Training Elder with Training for Change and Training Director with He is sought after nationally and internationally for his experiential methodology, that builds on wisdom from within the group, building on past successes and challenging limiting beliefs.


Title reads 'A Tactic Typology'. A table with four columns. The text in the table can be read at

A Tactic Typology

A Tactic Typology presented in a table by Daniel Hunter from Training for Change. The categories are Symbolic Protest, Noncooperation (economic and political) and Alternative Cooperation.

Nonviolent Direct Action as Social Parable

This article “Nonviolent Direct Action as Social Parable” by Daniel Hunter explores how nonviolent direct action (NVDA) functions as a method of social change, akin to parables in religious and philosophical teachings.

Titled 'How to create a campaign'. Two illlustrations. The one on the right shows... Title reads 'Politicians are like a balloon'. Illustration of a rock with a balloon tied to it floating above. In the balloon is a picture of a man wearing a suit. Drawn on the rock are outlines of people and a heart shape where the heart sits in the body. The illustration on the left shows...A half pie chart diagram illustration representing and titled 'Spectrum of Allies'. There are five segments and arrows pointing from right to left. A person is in each segment representing hostility to neutrality to being happy.

How to Create a Campaign

How do you start a campaign for social change? Learn how to create a campaign using tools such as the Spectrum of Allies.

Titled 'Social change myths'. Illustration of 3 speech bubbles. One says Myths, the other VS and the other Facts.

Social Change Myths

What are the facts about social change and social movements? Daniel Hunter myth busts common misconceptions about how change happens.

Titled 'Campaign Tactics'. Illustration of a loudhailer with different objects floating out of it including icons for a phone, video play, clock and cog. Leaning against the lip of the loudhailer is a target board with an arrow in the centre and there are a few gold coins lying on the ground beneath it.

Campaign Tactics

Learn all about tactics for your campaigns including how to adapt their tone for different events and explore different examples.

A protest on the grass. There are blow up Kiwi birds scattered across the lawn and a large banner in the background with text "Kiwi Not Coal, Save Happy Valley,".

What to do when we ‘Lose’

Some important lessons on dealing with loss from a recent generation-defining struggle in New Zealand: the Save Happy Valley Campaign.

First slide from's Online Training Monster Manual slide deck. Includes picture of a purple monster with one large eye holding an open laptop computer.

Online Training Monster Manual

Tired of making new slide decks for interactive tools? Want new ideas on participatory methods online? Looking for new games and warm-ups? The “Online Monster Manual” is a compilation of 80+ online training tools from 350 globally.

close up of man's hands gesturing in front of a laptop set up in table with woman in background

Facilitating Online Meetings

Online meetings can be a lot of fun! Here are a few ideas to make your meetings exciting, educational, and effective from Daniel Hunter,

A drawing of stick figures doing different activities referenced in the article: listening to each other, reading books, making art.

How to Build a Resilient Culture of Resistance in Hard Times

US activist and educator Daniel Hunter shares important tips for sustaining ourselves and our movements in the face of challenging times. He outlines seven behaviors that we could incorporate into our groups so we can keep taking powerful and strategic actions.

Photograph of a number of paper plates laid out on the ground with a person pointing at one. The plates have writing on them describing campaign steps.

Critical Path Analysis Process Guide

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions to develop campaign strategy. Critical path analysis can shift focus to outcomes rather than tactics and provide experience and skill in defining clear objectives. The process also deepens understanding about how change happens and clarifies key threads running through a campaign.

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