


Looking for inspiring videos, films and documentaries about social change and activism? The Commons Library has collated them for you.

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TED talk: What new power looks like

We can see the power of distributed, crowd-sourced business models every day — witness Uber, Kickstarter, Airbnb. But veteran online activist Jeremy Heimans asks: When does that kind of “new power” start to work in politics? His surprising answer: Sooner than you think. It’s a bold argument about the future of politics and power; watch and see if you agree.

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TED talk: Fighting with nonviolence

Peace activist Scilla Elworthy maps out the skills we need – as nations and individuals – to fight extreme force without using force in return.

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TED Talk: Courage is Contagious

The “Whose Streets?” documentary tells the story of the protests from the perspective of the activists who showed up to challenge those who use power to spread fear & hate.

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TED talk: An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter

Born out of a social media post, the Black Lives Matter movement has sparked discussion about race and inequality across the world. The movement’s three founders share what they’ve learned about leadership and what provides them with hope and inspiration in the face of painful realities.

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