
Nonviolent Direct Action

Nonviolent Direct Action

Strategic nonviolence is a rich tradition within social change movements, generating theoretical exploration, research, different group formations and tactical innovation. In this topic you’ll find case studies, manuals, inspiring quotes, training materials, and practical how-to-guides.

Protestors wearing masks and holding placards gathering for a Black Lives Matter rally.

Make Change: How-To’s for Effective Peaceful Protest

Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement this article includes tips and links to make what you need for safe, peaceful, and effective protest. Includes signs, effigies, banners, street art, ways to manage pepper spray and tear gas, surveillance considerations and interactions with police liaison.

4 images of protestors at Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 in the US

Defund the police! (Creatively)

A look at the creative tactics being used to defund the police. Protest resources from Beautiful Trouble for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Mug sitting on laptop that says 'Not all super heroes wear capes'

Activist Inspiration and Learning in Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping many of us at home. Without the usual forums, film nights, and other campaign activities how can we connect to inspiration and continue learning? Here are films, podcasts, webinars and online courses.

Stop Jabiluka Mine banner hanging on cliff rock face

The Jabiluka Blockade – 22 years on

Do you know about one of Australia’s most effective anti-nuclear blockades? The Jabiluka blockade in 1998 stopped the Ranger Uranium Mine in Australia. This article includes the campaign timeline and many further resources.

Four people stand outside the Melbourne Magistrates Court. They are smiling and holding photos of forests.

Your Activist Speech in Court

A guide to insisting on a lower sentence from an experienced nonviolent activist. Includes tips about the different aspects to cover in court speeches.

A black and white photograph of a rally with people holding their fists in the air. The text 'Momentum Webinars' in written above it.

Movements, Organising and Mobilisation Webinars

The Momentum Community has shared webinars on movements, mass decentralised organising, mobilisation, non-violent movements and case studies including the Sunrise movement and Hong Kong democracy movement.

woman dressed as an angel holding up sign that says Keep oil and gas in the ground with a row of policeman standing behind her

Crowdfunding for civil disobedience

Crowdfunding to cover the cost of fines for civil disobedience shares the cost among many supporters and reduces financial pressure on organisations or small grassroots groups. Here’s some tips from CounterAct on effective fundraising in this context.

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