
Human resources HR

Work Less: You’ll Get More Done

Overwork has heavy costs. Working longer hours is dangerous and ineffective. But poor management, the subconscious, workplace culture, and work volume, can each be a barrier to better workplace practices. Thankfully though, these barriers can be overcome.

Two transmasculine people sitting together and having a serious conversation

Giving and Receiving Feedback

‘Feedback’ is a communication to a person or a group which gives that person information  about how they affect others. It is important to be able to give feedback in such a way that people can hear it, take it in, evaluate it, and change behaviour which affects their relationship with others.

Over a dozen hands reach into the middle of a circle, making the 'all in' symbol

The Mobilisation Integration Toolkit

An overview of the tools and tactics Greenpeace offices around the world use to ensure their office teams are working seamlessly together. Explore by Country/Region and Trait to find the successful practices or “bright spots” highlighting ongoing experiments in team integration.

A person sitting outside on a rock, with a laptop on their lap

Principles for having a remote office

Some rules, principles and tips for how to successfully set up a remote office and have staff working in diverse locations around the nation (or the world!), synthesised from best practice around the OPEN Network.

boy standing on ladder reaching for the clouds

Designing Motivational Work

For volunteers or staff to be driven to do their work, it must be motivational, both ‘extrinsically’ and ‘intrinsically’. However, we often the intrinsic elements of the work. Read on to learn about how to design tasks to make them more intrinsically motivational. Your staff and volunteers will benefit!

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