

A stack of balancing rocks on a seashore

Principles of Co-operative Conflict Resolution

Navigating conflict is a core activist skill. These tips from peacebuilding have the potential to depolarise and de-escalate tense and challenging situations. This is an excerpt from the Nonviolent Community Safety and Peacebuilding Trainers’ Manual which is also available for download on the Commons.

A genderqueer person sitting on a therapist's couch, listening

Active Listening

Active listening is a fundamental skill for peacebuilding and social change. It is more than hearing, it involves processing what has been heard and skilfully selecting a response. Active listening serves to encourage the person to tell more and most importantly, communicates to the person that you are interested and listening.

Large crowd gathered in front of the library. In the foreground someone holds up a placard reading 'Let Them Stay'.

The fight for the rights of people seeking asylum

At Progress 2017, GetUp!’s Shen Narayanasamy shared the strategy and critical lessons learnt during campaign work to protect the rights of people seeking asylum. To be effective the campaign needed to engage many different stakeholders across the movement and centre the lived experience of people most impacted.

Photograph of inside of Sydney Town Hall filled with people include a large delegation on the stage.

Insights from the Sydney Alliance

What does it take to build a civil society coalition with the power to shift a city? This interview with Amanda Tattersall, Founder and Coalition Director of the Sydney Alliance, gives some good clues.

Máté speaks into a microphone at a protest outside the Hungarian Parliament. In the background protestors hold a large poster with Hungarian text.

Home Care in Hungary

In Hungary, digital campaigning organisation aHang has been winning big and building people power in a difficult political environment. Their homecare campaign was a huge win for Hungarian carers, and people power everywhere.

people sitting at table with laptops

Better Activist Meetings

Here are some simple tips for getting the most out of meetings, relevant to collectives, committees and action groups.

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