

an illustration of an astronaut holding a flag

Campaign Communications Course

A course for grassroot groups to understand the basics of public communications for building a convincing, winning campaign.

a large mass of people walking down the street protesting and holding signs. One sign reads Thou shall not mess with women's reproductive rights.

Campaign Starter Pack

This Campaign Starter Pack from Campaign Bootcamp UK contains information, inspiration and activity sheets, based on the experience and knowledge of people who have fought for change.

text says naming an advocacy campaign. two photos of a lock the gate sign on a fence and a banner that protestors are holding that says fight for $15

Naming an Advocacy Campaign

How do you name an advocacy campaign? Here is a guide, tips, and thoughts to help you with the process of naming a campaign.

mob lab logo

Key Resources from Mobilisation Lab

Reports, toolkits, templates and guides from Mobilisation Lab including campaign strategy, storytelling, digital campaigning, security and more.

people at protest. woman wearing hijab holding cardboard sign that says Judge potential not postcode

5 Principles to Guide Campaigning in 2021

Ideas about how organisations and grassroots collectives can campaign in 2021 – it’s not a ‘normal’ year.Here are 5 principles to guide you.

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