
Commons Librarian

Top 10 resources of 2019

The top 10 resources of 2019 from The Commons Social Change Library featuring resources on organising, activism, campaigning and more.

Protestor holding Stop Adani sign on stage with Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

3 Great Resources on Election Campaigning

As Australia heads towards a federal election here are three stories on the Commons to give you food for thought and action. Gather the lessons from the 2016 federal election, the 2018 Queensland election, Bernie Sanders’ tilt at the US presidency, and the struggle for women’s suffrage in 1905!

dog next to headphones and notebook

Podcasts About Taking Action During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Everyone is talking about the Covid-19 pandemic and the way it is shaking up our lives! You’ll find Coronavirus related content on most podcasts you could listen to. These ones have a particular focus on the implications for social movements.

Screenshot of the Ecomark website. A model in blue sits on a bright pink couch, with flowers on her lap. She is smelling one of them. Overlaid on the image is the text '12956 visitors so far!'

Digital Tactic Inspiration: Ecomark by WeMove

Primark, the international clothing chain, famously does not have an online store. So when EU-wide campaigning organisation WeMove chose to target Primark in a sustainability campaign, they started by launching a parody site.

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