


Organising builds power by engaging and connecting people in collective action. The resources gathered here educate and inform about the craft of organising. You’ll find case studies, articles, practical tips, and training materials.

Report cover - Title reads 'A Community Guide for Opposing Hate'. close up of people in a group holding hands. The people are of different ethnicities.

A Community Guide for Opposing Hate

The manual provides step by step actions for those who want to do something about hate, not only for the immediate aftermath of a hateful act, but for years to come to improve their community.

Report cover - Title reads Hold the Line: A Guide to Defending Democracy. Each of us can play a role.

Hold the Line: A Guide to Defending Democracy

Learn what “red lines” needed to be held during the election, step-by-step information for organizing in your community, and lessons from the field of civil resistance that can be applied to make change on a range of issues.

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