Report about narratives that promote racial justice and expand our understanding of health, human rights, and the public good.
Far Right Violence: A Messaging Guide
Messaging guide on far right violence by the New Economy Organisers Network NEON in the UK that includes framing and words that work.
Responding to the Racist UK Riots
Horrific Islamophobic and racist violence has broken out across England. Tips and links for people responding to racist hate in the UK, August 2024.
Speaking Out Against Bigoted, Dehumanizing Rhetoric: What We Can Do
This guide documents the surge in antisemitic and Islamophobic hate incidents, explains the link between rhetoric and violence, and provides suggestions and resources to take action.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Race Class Narrative Checklist
Race Class Narrative Checklist is a tool for increasing inclusion and solidarity in movements, by ensuring we push back against racism and classism.
A Community Guide for Opposing Hate
The manual provides step by step actions for those who want to do something about hate, not only for the immediate aftermath of a hateful act, but for years to come to improve their community.
Talking about Race: Racial Equity Resources
Resources to talk about race from the Living Room Conversations. This includes 5 Conversation Guides, a glossary, videos and readings.
bell hooks – Ideas for Social Justice
bell hooks’ ideas have resonated widely. This resource-set focuses on her contributions to three key concepts in social justice movements: understanding intersecting structures of power; practising love, as a verb, as a pathway to justice; and the transformative power of teaching/learning as activism.
Australians Block Cricket and Impede Rugby Tour of Apartheid South Africa, 1971
Anti-apartheid protesters impeded the South African Springboks rugby tour, and stopped the cricket tour, to protest racial inequality.
Torres Strait soldiers stage stay at home strikes, 1943
Torres Strait Islander soldiers strike to end discrimination in the army during World War Two.
Building Narrative Power for Racial Justice and Health Equity
Report about narratives that promote racial justice and expand our understanding of health, human rights, and the public good.
Far Right Violence: A Messaging Guide
Messaging guide on far right violence by the New Economy Organisers Network NEON in the UK that includes framing and words that work.
Responding to the Racist UK Riots
Horrific Islamophobic and racist violence has broken out across England. Tips and links for people responding to racist hate in the UK, August 2024.
Speaking Out Against Bigoted, Dehumanizing Rhetoric: What We Can Do
This guide documents the surge in antisemitic and Islamophobic hate incidents, explains the link between rhetoric and violence, and provides suggestions and resources to take action.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Race Class Narrative Checklist
Race Class Narrative Checklist is a tool for increasing inclusion and solidarity in movements, by ensuring we push back against racism and classism.
A Community Guide for Opposing Hate
The manual provides step by step actions for those who want to do something about hate, not only for the immediate aftermath of a hateful act, but for years to come to improve their community.
Talking about Race: Racial Equity Resources
Resources to talk about race from the Living Room Conversations. This includes 5 Conversation Guides, a glossary, videos and readings.
bell hooks – Ideas for Social Justice
bell hooks’ ideas have resonated widely. This resource-set focuses on her contributions to three key concepts in social justice movements: understanding intersecting structures of power; practising love, as a verb, as a pathway to justice; and the transformative power of teaching/learning as activism.
Australians Block Cricket and Impede Rugby Tour of Apartheid South Africa, 1971
Anti-apartheid protesters impeded the South African Springboks rugby tour, and stopped the cricket tour, to protest racial inequality.
Torres Strait soldiers stage stay at home strikes, 1943
Torres Strait Islander soldiers strike to end discrimination in the army during World War Two.