
People with disability_Disabled People

A brown naked body- mostly the hand and leg- are wrapped around and crawling out of a rich root system. The title “Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice: Essays by Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha” is above this on a white background.

Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice

Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice is a collection of essays by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha published in 2018. It is an influential text for disability advocates and all people working to overcome systems of oppression. 

Blackboard with title - Making your activism accessible. Below the heading are two icons - one is a person in a wheelchair and the other are two hands doing sign language. A logo between the icons reads Global Grassroots Support Network

Making Your Activism Accessible

This guide was developed to support activists in making their spaces, events, meetings and communications more accessible, in order to ensure that everyone is welcome and encouraged to join a movement for justice in whatever way they can!

Icons representing website accessibility framed around a computer screen

Improve your Website Accessibility

A comprehensive list of tools, checklists and websites to improve your website accessibility, e,g, standards, colours, documents, design, images, etc.

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