

Blackboard with title - Making your activism accessible. Below the heading are two icons - one is a person in a wheelchair and the other are two hands doing sign language. A logo between the icons reads Global Grassroots Support Network

Making Your Activism Accessible

This guide was developed to support activists in making their spaces, events, meetings and communications more accessible, in order to ensure that everyone is welcome and encouraged to join a movement for justice in whatever way they can!

illustration of people walking along an arrow that curves to the left. There is one person on top of the arrow.

Making Change: What Works?

What key ingredients enable movements to realise significant change? Learn from four movements and this report’s insights and findings.

Ending the Activist Year Well

After a big year of effort it’s important to take time for reflection, evaluation, team-building, celebration, and planning. These resources will help.

parents / carers and babies sitting in meeting

Family Friendly Organising

Here is a list of crowdsourced ideas on how to make meetings and activism more welcoming and inclusive for parents/carers and their families.

Aerial photograph of huge crowd filling Federation Square and surrounding streets.

Tips for Turnout from Your Rights at Work

The Your Rights at Work campaign ran from 2005 to 2007 and included some of the largest mobilisations in Australian social movement history. This article draws out some of the lessons in relation to ensuring strong turn-out at rallies and other events.

A large crowd gathered in a conference room with hands raised.

Checklist for a great facilitator

Facilitators help a group to get where it needs to go, whether the focus of a gathering is information sharing, discussion, generating creative options, making decisions, team building or planning for action. Here are some tips and tricks for facilitation, to help you get the most out of your next meeting.

A large crowd gathered in a conference room with hands raised.

Conference, Retreat and Meeting Venues in Australia

Are you looking for venues for conferences, retreats and smaller meetings? Australian Progress knows the challenge well – we all often spend too much time looking for just the right venue. This crowd-source register of venues is here to help.

A table with assorted sliced fruits and sushi

Catering Services for Non-Profits

No matter the event – the quality of the food leaves a lasting impression. How do you find the perfect caterer? Australian Progress has compiled a list of Australia-wide catering services that have progressive qualities ideal for fellow non-profits.

A jubilant group of people pose behind a large banner reading 'We won'. They are at the beach with sky and ocean in the background.

Celebration is an Activist Skill

Activists are often so focused on problems – it’s important to take in wins, whether big or small, to sustain us through the struggle. This article includes reminders of what we can celebrate, how, and why it is so important.

A stage with colours flights and the words Progress 2015 spelled out in oversized white letters

Event Organising Tips

Australian Progress shares 7 lessons from running Progress 2015. Get an insight into the their ticket sales strategy, social media successes and failures, event theming choices, budget management, sponsor recruitment, and program design.

Person dressed in Nemo fish costume at a protest

Crowd sourced Animal costumes register

We’ve all been there – you need an elephant costume or a Nemo suit for a press conference this afternoon, or a chicken suit for your factory farming protest. Find out who has one here, and add your own!

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