Indigenous pastoral workers in the Kimberley region of Western Australia struck for equal wages and full civil rights in the late 1940s.
Australia – Western Australia
Noonkanbah 1979: When Unionists Stood up for Aboriginal Rights
The Noonkanbah dispute was an important chapter in both the struggle for Australian Aboriginal rights and union solidarity in the 1970s-80s.
The WA Forest Conflict: The Construction of the Political Effectiveness of Advocacy Organisations
Tactics and strategy of nonprofit organisations involved in advocacy regarding forestry in the 1990s-2000s in Western Australia.
Reconciliation in the forest? An exploration of the conflict over the logging of native forests in the south west of Western Australia
Why two Western Australian social movement organisations on opposite sides of the logging debate continued to contest WA’s forest policy for so long.
Australian Aboriginal workers strike for fair wages and equality, 1946-1949
Indigenous pastoral workers in the Kimberley region of Western Australia struck for equal wages and full civil rights in the late 1940s.
Noonkanbah 1979: When Unionists Stood up for Aboriginal Rights
The Noonkanbah dispute was an important chapter in both the struggle for Australian Aboriginal rights and union solidarity in the 1970s-80s.
The WA Forest Conflict: The Construction of the Political Effectiveness of Advocacy Organisations
Tactics and strategy of nonprofit organisations involved in advocacy regarding forestry in the 1990s-2000s in Western Australia.
Reconciliation in the forest? An exploration of the conflict over the logging of native forests in the south west of Western Australia
Why two Western Australian social movement organisations on opposite sides of the logging debate continued to contest WA’s forest policy for so long.