
changemaker chat

65 results found.

a big red barn

Guide to Barnstorming: Step Up Volunteers Fast!

…gatherings Explore Further Barnstorming in the Australian Context Becky Bond on Big Organising Changemaker Chat with Becky Bond: Combining Radical Agendas and Political Parties Training as Organising: Events that Build…

portrait of caitlin hombrich kneiling

Deep Canvassing to Shift Hearts, Mind and Votes

…to one relationships to make electoral politics different?” – Source: People’s Action Insitute Changemaker Chat with Adam Barbanel-Fried: Deep Canvassing during the US 2020 Election “Can we use old social…

Labor Power and Strategy: How to Read Womack

…Reading Jane McAlevey: Organizer Extraordinaire Changemaker Chat with Jane MacAlevey: Winning Change Through Organising Book Review of No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the Gilded Age Union and Community Coalitions:…

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