Become an Organisational Supporter of the Commons Library


Help sustain crucial movement infrastructure

Over the last five years the Commons Library has become crucial capacity building infrastructure for people engaged in social change. The site receives over 10,000 visitors per week from all around the world. Organisations working on a myriad of social and environmental justice issues access the Commons regularly to inform their campaigns, lobbying and communications, and to skill up their staff and volunteers. Read What the Commons has achieved in 5 years: 2019-2024

In addition to the library the Commons team carries out projects and partnerships, including the Movement Monitor research project (measuring the impact of the Australian climate movement); the Making Advocacy Accessible project (highlighting disability inclusion and justice); and the Commons Conversations podcast (featuring interviews with talented and insightful campaigners). 

Our task now is to secure the future of the Commons Library. The last five years have proven the importance of this institution, now resources are required for the next five years and beyond.

Think back over the last five years…

  • Have you and your colleagues, volunteers, supporters and allies accessed resources on the Commons Library?
  • Has the Commons Library saved your organisation time and money?
  • Do you value our shared learning platform featuring innovation and insights from many movements around the world?
  • Do you want the Commons team to keep contributing their expertise in activist education, information management and research to strengthen movements?

Please chip in to keep the Commons free, thriving, and responsive to the needs of change makers!

I imagine most of you, like me, LOVE the Commons Library. I imagine many of you share my conviction that smart, powerful movements need infrastructure like the Commons. You’ve probably used tools, or watched webinars, or read summaries, or otherwise made great use of their content many times. You know how important and valuable it is. If so can you chip in to help them help us? – Justin Whelan, campaigner

Here are three options to support the Commons. Get in touch if you would like to discuss these and other ideas.

Organisational Supporter: $1500

Make a difference to the sustainability of the Commons Library with a contribution of $1500 per year. In addition to the 1000+ free resources on the Commons you’ll also access:

  • An annual meeting with Commons director Holly Hammond to discuss the learning needs of your team
  • A curated resource kit addressing your team’s needs, made up of articles, training materials, podcasts and videos
  • Priority access to advice, such as when your team is rolling out a new action or preparing to run training

Organisational Supporter: $5000

Make a bigger difference and receive bigger perks with a contribution of $5000 per year.

  • Two meetings per year with Commons director Holly Hammond
  • A survey of your team to identify learning needs
  • A curated resource kit addressing your team’s needs, made up of articles, training materials, podcasts and videos
  • Online training session to introduce the resources and get your team started with implementing their lessons
  • Priority access to advice, such as when your team is rolling out a new action or preparing to run training


  • An interview with one of your campaigners, to be aired as part of the Commons Conversations podcast and radio show
  • A collection of your organisation’s resources added to the Commons
  • Support to develop case studies of your organisation’s campaigns
  • Research on an issue or skill relevant to your team
  • Participation in your organisation’s Slack channel, providing resource recommendations as needed
  • Collation of resources at your event or conference

We can shape support to fit your needs and budget.

Organisational Partnerships

There are many other ways we can work together: supporting the sustainability of the Commons while addressing your organisation’s needs. The Commons provides customised services to organisations and networks engaged in social change activities. This includes collating resource kits, developing curriculum, designing and cataloguing resource libraries, hosting collections, writing case studies, researching issues and more.

Read descriptions of our projects and testimonials from happy project partners. Do you have a project you would like to work with us on? Let us know your ideas!

Thank you!

Organisational Supporters and Partnerships will be acknowledged on the Commons website and annual report. Many thanks to our current and past supporters and project partners:

  • Leading Change Network
  • Global Grassroots Support Network
  • Democracy Resource Hub
  • Tectonica Digital Campaign Solutions
  • Leaderful Organizing
  • Australian Trade Union Institute
  • Australian Progress
  • Sunrise Project
  • Community Organising Fellowship
  • Australian Conservation Foundation
  • Amnesty International Australia
  • Australia
  • ActionAid
  • Foundation for Young Australians
  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians

With your support we will continue our crucial work, making activism smarter and stronger. 



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      Contact a Commons librarian if you would like to connect with the author