Learn about political organising in electoral campaigns from the Leading Change Network’s Political Organizing Series.

Learn about political organising in electoral campaigns from the Leading Change Network’s Political Organizing Series.
Distributed Organizing Guide and webinar about its potential for winning electoral campaigns, how to do it, and how to find more information.
Learn what “red lines” needed to be held during the election, step-by-step information for organizing in your community, and lessons from the field of civil resistance that can be applied to make change on a range of issues.
Max Smith, co-director of the Community Organising Fellowship, reviews the Tools for Radical Democracy guide to electoral organising, and draws out some key considerations for deciding whether or how to engage in elections.
Max Smith, co-director of the Community Organising Fellowship, reviews the Tools for Radical Democracy guide to electoral organising, and draws out some key considerations for deciding whether or how to engage in elections.
Key questions to ask in considering whether to undertake electoral organizing, such as will it help us achieve our campaign goals?
Case study of organising at a local level, Victorian Trades Hall Council’s Candidate School, focused on changing who gets elected to local office.
Learn about political organising in electoral campaigns from the Leading Change Network’s Political Organizing Series.
Distributed Organizing Guide and webinar about its potential for winning electoral campaigns, how to do it, and how to find more information.
Learn what “red lines” needed to be held during the election, step-by-step information for organizing in your community, and lessons from the field of civil resistance that can be applied to make change on a range of issues.
Max Smith, co-director of the Community Organising Fellowship, reviews the Tools for Radical Democracy guide to electoral organising, and draws out some key considerations for deciding whether or how to engage in elections.
Max Smith, co-director of the Community Organising Fellowship, reviews the Tools for Radical Democracy guide to electoral organising, and draws out some key considerations for deciding whether or how to engage in elections.
Key questions to ask in considering whether to undertake electoral organizing, such as will it help us achieve our campaign goals?
Case study of organising at a local level, Victorian Trades Hall Council’s Candidate School, focused on changing who gets elected to local office.