Interview with Jackie Turner about the importance of building solidarity, community, and knowledge of history while combating disinformation & transphobia.

Interview with Jackie Turner about the importance of building solidarity, community, and knowledge of history while combating disinformation & transphobia.
The Anti-Trans Disinformation Handbook is for the media, civil society, and Governments for combating anti-trans disinformation.
A Commons Conversations Podcast featuring an interview with Laniyuk and Te Raukura O’Connell Rapira about Indigenous Solidarity, Creativity and Social Justice.
Here is a framework for understanding how the anti-trans movement works and collaborates and how we defeat it.
How organisations and collectives can create more supportive environments for transgender and gender diverse activists to work and grow in.
Quotes which draw on contemporary experiences of living beyond the gender binary to inspire collective action, resistance and solidarity.
A resource to help non-profit organisations make their workplaces more inclusive and supportive of transgender and gender diverse people.
Interview with Jackie Turner about the importance of building solidarity, community, and knowledge of history while combating disinformation & transphobia.
The Anti-Trans Disinformation Handbook is for the media, civil society, and Governments for combating anti-trans disinformation.
A Commons Conversations Podcast featuring an interview with Laniyuk and Te Raukura O’Connell Rapira about Indigenous Solidarity, Creativity and Social Justice.
Here is a framework for understanding how the anti-trans movement works and collaborates and how we defeat it.
How organisations and collectives can create more supportive environments for transgender and gender diverse activists to work and grow in.
Quotes which draw on contemporary experiences of living beyond the gender binary to inspire collective action, resistance and solidarity.
A resource to help non-profit organisations make their workplaces more inclusive and supportive of transgender and gender diverse people.