Subscribe to the Commons Social Change Library newsletter to receive our monthly email with the latest additions to the collection and other resources curated by the librarians to address social movement needs.

Click here or on the month headings below to access back issues. If you would like these newsletters to be read out loud, please copy and paste into



Jun – New Resources for Powerful Activism

Learning from Occupy Wall Street, Protest Camps, Organising Against Wage Theft, Resources About Student Activism, This Month in Activist History

May – Latest Resources to Support Community Action 

No More Gendered Violence!, All Eyes on Rafah, Mediation for Movements: Managing Intra-Movement Conflict, Climate Activism and Health, This Month in Activist History, Australian Climate Movement Survey

Apr – New Resources for People Power

New Collection from Tectonica, Four Roles in Palestine Solidarity Activism, Radical Imagination and Prefigurative Politics, This Month in Activist History, Australian Climate Movement Research

March: Change Takes Time – Hang in There!

You’re not Failing: Social Change can be Slow, Right-Sized Belonging, Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook, How to Win Campaigns, Democracy Resource Hub, This month in activist history

February: Does Protest work?

Concepts & Practices: Degrowth & Commoning, Radical, Alternative & Community Libraries, How to Skill Up Activists, Criminalisation of Climate Protest, This month in activist history

January: Resources to Plan and Persist in 2024

Commons Conversations Podcast, Invasion Day, Movement Monitor, Free Palestine, Campaigns that Changed Australia


November/December: Resources for Justice and Solidarity

Books to Read if you are Interested in Activism, Social Change and Justice, Commons Library Annual Report 2022-2023, The Collaborative Impact Methods Kit, Tips on Using Live Music to Promote Action

October: Learning in Hard Times: New Activism Resources

Climate Activism: Start Here, Australian Blockading Handbooks, A Life and Death Community Campaign, Managing to Change the World: Delegation Cycle, New Podcast Episodes

September: New Resources for Powerful Action

Yes to Voice, Opposing Hate, Acting in Solidarity!

August: New Guides, Inspiring Stories… and Merch! 

Climate Action Guides & Case Studies, Resisting Repression, the Power of Food & More!

July: New Activist Resources to Make You Think

Pro-democracy, AI questions, Campaign insights & Warm cookies!

June: Resources for Accessible Activism (Plus More!)

Leaderful Organising, Lobbying Tips, Frameworks & Stories.

May: Resources for Powerful & Persistent Activism

Upcoming Training, Race & Class, Disability Campaigns & Lessons from Star Wars!

April: Make Advocacy Accessible!

Webinar, Climate Activism Research, Learn from Star Wars, New Tools & Case Studies!

Mar: New Tools & Tactics to Build Power

Digital Campaigning, Nifty Frameworks, Creative Tactics & Board Games!

Feb: New Year, New Activist Resources

Commons Podcast, Making Sense of Advocacy, The Power of Questions & More!


Dec: Summer Listening & Learning for Activists

Commons Conversations, Team Review Tool, Systems Thinking & More!

Nov: New Research on Organising

Climate Justice, Pre-Suasion, First Aid Pro-Tips, Organising Models Research & More!

Oct: New Resources to Create Change

Global Grassroots Support Network, Designing Infographics, How to Design & Facilitate Training,Australian Campaign Case Studies, What Else is New?

Sept: New Campaign Strategy Guide

Campaign Strategy: Start Here, New Collection from Campaign Bootcamp, Legal Guides for Activists about Protests, Activist Handbook, Commons Community

Aug: Learn from the Past and Shape the Future

Learn with the Commons, Activism and Campaign History: Start Here, Australian Arms Fair Protest Case Studies, How to write a book review, New Narrative and Framing Resources

Jul: New Activist Resources & Training Sessions!

Commons Skills Sessions; Fundraising; Evaluation; and more.

Jun: New Government = New Resources on the Commons!

Tips & tools for holding the new govt accountable.

May: Keep Going, Keep Learning!

Last minute election resources, tune up your team with help from the Commons, & a new collection full of best practice campaigning insights!

Apr: Build Power this Election! New Campaign Resources

Guides to elections, organising, public narrative, campaigning, movement building, training & more!

Mar: Ready for the next election? New Guides on The Commons

Volunteer with the Commons Library, Elections and Activism, Perspectives on Ukrainian Civil Resistance, Disaster Recovery, Autistic Community and the Neurodiversity Movement: Stories from the Frontline, What else is new, New Collection – Waging Nonviolence

Feb: A bumper edition of Social Change Resources

Resources from FWD + Organise 2021, Women’s Stories of Environmental Activism, Campaign Monitoring and Evaluation: Measuring What Matters, Leading Change Network Resource Center, Tending the Soil: Lessons for Organizing


Dec: Fresh Resources to Power Social Change in 2022

Deep Canvassing to Shift Hearts, Mind and Votes, Lessons from Winning Campaigns, Guides to Digital & Organising Practices, Cell Phones for Collective Action

Nov: Resources to Support Social Change

New Resources for Organisers, Climate action now, Trans Awareness Week, Commons Library Annual Report 2020/21

Oct: Resources for Coalition Building & Community Leadership

Resources for Coalition Building, Community Organising Leadership, House Meeting Handbook, Activist Legal Resources, Learnings from Disrupt Land Forces

Aug: Tips for Lockdown & Building a Better World

Campaign case studies, Tips for Lockdown Life, Passing the Message Stick, Transformative Justice,

Jul: Locked Down But Still Powering! New Resources

First Nations Resources, Working in Groups, Psychology of Change, Tips and tools for building strategic campaigns

Jun: Recommended Resources from 3 Activists 

Timely resources for movement moments, Naming an Advocacy Campaign, Curated Summaries for breadth and depth

May: New Activist Resources… & a helping hand 

Diversity and inclusion, Blockades that changed Australia, Digital Security for Everyone, How small groups make big change

Apr: New Activist Resources… and it’s our birthday! 

Civil resistance tools, tactics and terms, Powerful local groups and effective protests, Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Electoral Campaigning

Mar: Special Edition: Women’s March 4 Justice Follow Up

Did you March 4 Justice? Ideas for next steps, Films about women and social change, All about power and movements, Leading women

Feb: How To Campaign Effectively In 2021

Volunteer at the campaigns, 5 principles to guide campaigning in 2021, Tools for online meetings, training and conferences, Mobilisation Lab, Learn from experts in campaigning and organising


Dec: End 2020 Well with Activist Resources from the Commons

Survey, Activist Holiday Gift Guide, Ending the Activist Year Well, How to Deal with Racism at Christmas, Top 10 Resources of 2020

Nov: US Election Lessons & More Activist Resources

NAIDOC, US Election Resources, Creative Action Planning, Reset Recommended Reading, Environmental Blockading in Australia, The Commons 2021 Calendar

Oct: Highlights from The Commons Library

Commons Crowdfunder, Highlights from The Commons, New collection – Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia, Digital Security Guide for Everyone, Learning from History

Sept: New and old resources for Social Change

Featured resources: Lobbying and Advocacy, New Organising articles, Housing and unwaged activism, Virtual Progress Videos, Online Training Monster Manual

Aug: Activist Wisdom and Innovation for Challenging Times!

Featured resources: Organising, Campaigning in the Pandemic, Fundraising, Policy Bank, Reset Wrap Up

Jul: New Resources to help you Change the System

Virtual Progress 2020, Systems Thinking, Black Lives Matter, Learning from the past, Reset Reading Group

Jun: New Activist Resources on Racial Justice, Campaigning & Wellbeing

Resources about police violence and racial justice, Activist wellbeing, Organising and digital campaigning videos, Reset Reading Group, Covid-19 related resources

May: Activist Resources for the Pandemic & Beyond

Ideas for Action during Covid-19, Activist inspiration and learning in lockdown, Reset 1 Readings, Pandemic Podcasts, New to the Commons Social Change Library?

Apr: Coronavirus Special Edition 2

Reset Reading Group: Join the conversation to create a just future, Tips for tactics, Coronavirus art, Better online meetings, Entertainment and learning in lockdown, Feature Resources: Coronavirus / COVID-19

Mar: Coronavirus Special Edition 1

Feature Resources: Coronavirus/COVID-19, Online meeting guides to get through COVID-19, Progressive framing of COVID-19, Coronavirus and Community Care, Social Change Radio Directory, Digital campaigning


Coronavirus and Community Activism, The case for laughter in social change, Website accessibility, How to frame issues for social change impact, Feature Resources: Coping with Climate Anxiety & Grief


Feature Resources: FWD + Organise Conference Presentations and Papers, Big organising tools to build momentum, ActionStation resources, It’s all about VIDEO


Talking About Bushfires & Climate Change, Resources for Psychological Resilience, New Year… New Action for Transformation, Feature resources: Disaster relief & recovery


Dec – Special Edition

Activist Holiday Gift Guide, Support the causes they are passionate about, Give some summer reading, Look after their wellbeing, Pay for a training session, Support The Commons


FWD+Organise conference; The Blueprints for Change Progressive Organizing and Campaigning Manual; How to Run a Campaign Clinic; Online facilitation tips and tools; The Commons Social Change Radio Directory; Feature Collections: Organising and Digital Campaigning


Articles by George Lakey, The Hong Kong Democracy Movement: An in depth look, Activist trauma support and recovery, 6 Websites about the Australian Federal Government and MPs, Where do I find images reflecting diversity, Feature Collection: Nonviolent Direct Action


Feature Tag: Archives, Help with climate feels, Activist legal support, New Podcasts from Anat Shenker-Osorio, Solidarity in times of crisis


Feature Topic: Arts and Creativity, Learning from the Bentley Blockade, The history of Australian school strikes, S11, Parasols of protest


From Little Things Big Things Grow: Events That Changed Australia, Tools for campaign strategy by MobLab, Four ways to build highly effective community organisers, Watch: TED Talks galore – Inspiration and learnings, The Intertwine Charter: Going beyond anti-discrimination and towards pro-active change to welcome others, Feature Collection: the change agency


We celebrate NAIDOC Week, 7-14 July, Top 3 Messaging Tips from Anat Shenker-Osorio at Progress 2019, How to do video content faster, lighter and without a big budget, Up Your Digital Game, Rebels & Reformers Unite!, Feature Collection: Blueprints for Change


Climate Resistance Handbook, Post-Election Resources, Election Recovery Tips, The Library that gives away books!



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