
Our Community

Our Community

The Our Community Group provides advice, connections, training and easy-to-use tech tools for people and organisations working to build stronger communities. Notable Our Community enterprises include grants administration platform SmartyGrants, Australia’s best practice governance network the Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA), grants database and fundraising capacity building website the Funding Centre and online giving platform GiveNow. Our Community is a multi-award-winning social enterprise.

Data Projects from Go to Whoa!

Data Projects from Go to Whoa!

Get things rolling and ensure your not for profit data projects are as successful and sustainable as they can be with this 15 step pathway.

Fundraising Strategy and Planning

Fundraising Strategy and Planning

Do you need to set up a fundraising strategy and plan? Here are two articles and video to get you started from the Funding Centre at Our Community.

The Seven Pillars of Fundraising

The Seven Pillars of Fundraising

To survive and thrive in a changing world, a not-for-profit organisation must develop a fundraising plan that rests on these seven pillars of fundraising…

Data Projects from Go to Whoa!

Data Projects from Go to Whoa!

Get things rolling and ensure your not for profit data projects are as successful and sustainable as they can be with this 15 step pathway.

Fundraising Strategy and Planning

Fundraising Strategy and Planning

Do you need to set up a fundraising strategy and plan? Here are two articles and video to get you started from the Funding Centre at Our Community.

The Seven Pillars of Fundraising

The Seven Pillars of Fundraising

To survive and thrive in a changing world, a not-for-profit organisation must develop a fundraising plan that rests on these seven pillars of fundraising…