
Leaderful Organizing

Leaderful Organizing

This collection of resources about leaderful organizing comes from a partnership of organisations in Europe.

They hope to challenge and inspire activists and organizers to rethink the leadership practices in their movements and organisations and consider developing the competencies to build leaderful movements.

Leaderful organising sits within a broad theory of change that sees the building of collective power and agency as a key driver of social transformation towards greater social justice and ecological integrity. Organising is the activity of building that collective power and agency.

Leaderful Organizing

Leaderful Organizing

The Leaderful Organizing Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that offers practical guidance, tools, and examples for fostering leadership and collective action within organizations and movements.

Leaderful Organizing

Leaderful Organizing

The Leaderful Organizing Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that offers practical guidance, tools, and examples for fostering leadership and collective action within organizations and movements.