


Want to listen to podcasts related to social change and activism? The Commons Library has collected lots of podcasts and interviews for you. Get listening!

A poster with details of an event at which Marisa Holmes spoke in 2024.

Lessons from Occupy Wall Street

Listen to an interview with Marisa Holmes about her experiences of the Occupy Wall Street moment in terms of what worked, and what didn’t, as well as lessons to be drawn for the future.

Title reads 'Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook'. A blackboard with chalk illustrations and arrows. From left to right across the blackboard is a cannon being lit with text 'Weaponize fear'. Then a balancing scale with a hand holding one side down that reads 'Undermine Institutions'. Then a hand holding up a book that reads 'Exploit religions'. Then a family with a suitcase standing in front of a large metal fence that reads 'Target outsiders'. Then a person standing on a step holding a sword aloft that reads 'Rewrite history'. Then two hands - one is holding two people up and one is squishing two people down and text reads 'Divide and conquer'. Then a sum of 2 + 2 = 4 with a hammer smashing the 4 and text reads 'Erode truth'.

Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook

How populist nationalist leaders across various democracies are employing a playbook involving fear exploitation, institutional undermining, truth erosion, and more to erode democratic values and consolidate power.

3 illustrations of trees. The first tree is in a box and text reads 'private asset' and 'market'. The 2nd tree is a healthy looking tree growing from the ground. The text reads 'commons resource' and 'commons'. The third tree is surrounded by a fence and text reads 'public asset' and 'state'.

Practising Commoning

This article introduces commoning and provides a comprehensive resource list including tools for practicing commoning.

Photograph of a report with the title 'Passing the Message Stick'

The 2023 Voice Referendum Outcome: A Messaging Guide

In the aftermath of a challenging referendum loss, our communities are facing a critical juncture. GetUp and Australian Progress offer a messaging guide for social change organisations, helping you speak out and channel emotions into constructive action. Read an excerpt and download the full report.

Coalition Building: Start Here

A guide to Coalition Building resources in the Commons Social Change Library including frameworks, training sessions, podcasts, and case studies.

Chalk drawing on background showing two hands shaking.

Lobbying and Advocacy: Start Here

Welcome to the Lobbying & Advocacy topic in the Commons Social Change Library. This article guides you through a wide range of materials to inform the public in relation to lobbying, advocacy and policy-making. 

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